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  1. G

    Day 30! Northern Lights auto how am I doing?

    Awesome!! Good to know would you consider this below average size for the amount of stunts these ladies got?
  2. G

    Day 30! Northern Lights auto how am I doing?

    Hello everyone! First grow here so I did stunt them quite a bit, I’m sure haha. 1. Topped one + LST 2. fimmed one + LST 3. LSTed 4. Natural grow They went through nute lock out very young then I literally cooked them for 2 weeks straight and now I think I got all of the problems figured...
  3. G

    LST on day 17 NL autos

    Ok sweet! They started showing signs of pre flowering so is it ok to defoliate orbits already too late for the autos?
  4. G

    LST on day 17 NL autos

    Ok, so do I prop up the leaf or defoliate it? And I was doing this at night time .. is it better to keep the same temps at night as well?
  5. G

    LST on day 17 NL autos

    Hey guys!! First time grower here and super excited to finally start fiddling with the girls. 4 of them are growing and fought with over feeding a few days ago but they all bounced back super quick after a good flush in the coco! Sorry for the poopy pictures but WAY too excited to wait until...
  6. G

    Weird spots on the leaves this morning

    Hello! Woke up this morning with one of the ladies having these little concaved spots on her! They were all fine yesterday Setup: 4x4 tent 4x northern lights autoflowers 350w bloom plus LED @ 30” away from the ladies Royal Gold coco coir with perlite Feeding them with Green Planet Medi 1 Step...
  7. G

    Always struggle in seedling stage

    Then I would wait for the soil to dry and put MINIMAL amounts of PHed water around your stalk and not directly on it so you don’t drown the roots. That should hopefully take care of your PH problem Good luck with the babies!!
  8. G

    Always struggle in seedling stage

    Depends on your medium, if you’re working with coco, you can flush since it’s pretty much overwater proof or else I would just sit it out till it dries up and water with PHed water after. When I started I didn’t even PH my water and the seedlings were fine. Again I work with coco so make sure...
  9. G

    Always struggle in seedling stage

    Remember that seedling stage is the most important one! That PH needs to come down. Make sure that your medium is not too tight so that the water doesn’t stick around your roots. Take this with a grain of salt since I am very new at this but I did do a SHIT ton of research before starting my...
  10. G

    Got my new PH and EC meter and woops!!

    Hey guys! So flushed all 4 girls with PHed RO water until my EC showed 1.1 for everyone of them and hooooly what a difference!! I did read up that organic nutes do give off bad readings but obviously this was not one of those times. 2 of the girls perked right back up and the 2 others are...
  11. G

    Got my new PH and EC meter and woops!!

    Well, with the help of the blue labs EC meter I flushed all 4 girls today with 5.8 PHed RO water until the EC fell to 1.1.. I will let you guys know how it went and if it did infact help the situation. peace
  12. G

    Got my new PH and EC meter and woops!!

    Hey guys! First time I post in any forum about my ladies and I’d like to get an insite as to what’s going on.. just so you know, I am very obsessive with my hobbies and I try to leave them alone as much as I can but it’s stronger than me I would read them freaking bed time stories if I had...
  13. G

    Hello, everyone!

    Making sure that I don’t have any hot spots around the ladies! Never enough thermometers / hygrometers haha. As for the pots, they are called air pots and it’s made so the roots prune once they reach the air holes and it tells it to spread its roots to the sides instead of root bounding around...
  14. G

    Hello, everyone!

    I started out the seedlings on smart pots but these air pots were catching my attention each time I had to run back and forth to the greenhouse here in town. I think coco and air pots go hand in hand pretty good! next grow, I’ll have 2 in smart pots and 2 in air pots and check out the...
  15. G

    Hello, everyone!

    New to the growing scene and couldn’t be happier to start this awesome hobby and seeing that the community is THE best I’ve seen in any hobby! Got myself this setup around 2 weeks ago and over these 2 weeks I’ve been researching LOTS and did change the new setup a few times. the boring stuff...