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    Seen this mutation before?

    One of the plants in my garden has a crazy mutation. At every internode, one bud is purple the other green. It's like this up and down the entire plant. I've seen pictures of leaves half green half yellow nothing about this mutation now. Anyone seen this before? I'll try to get some better...
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    Strange leaf mutation

    I gave my brother's a bunch of seeds to grow out, pheno hunting mode. I found a couple seeds in a bag of Sunny D I got from a dispensary here in Chicago. I back crossed the best looking one. So my brothers have found three plants that have this mutation. Has anyone seen this type of leaf...
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    Dwc issues

    I had the same problem, I scrapped two systems cuz of the brown sludge. This will sound crazy, stop using the pH down. That is what was causing my brown sludge. I've read a few people, just a few stating they never pH the water in their system. This is what I'm doing now, my water is crystal...
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    Fox Farm Nutes for Hydroponics Seedlings?

    A couple more weeks. Kind of opens my eyes to what can be done.
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    Fox Farm Nutes for Hydroponics Seedlings?

    I didn't experiment with my clone machine. Fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. I basically never took the cuttings out. I changed out the water until I got close to flowering. At that point the consumed so much all I had to do was add water and nutrients.
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    Grandaddy purple not changing to purple

    Yes purps may come at end or not at all. I found a purple plant out of seeds that nowhere in the description mentioned purp. Glueberry muffin, from destiny's exotic genetics.
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    Grandaddy purple not changing to purple

    Sometimes cold temperatures will trigger purple coloring. Try leaving the window open at night in your grow room. Also not every phenotype of a strain will turn purple.
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    destiny exotic genetics

    This particular pheno was by far the most interesting plant I've ever grown. The way the purple slowly engulfs the leaves, more and more everyday, until boom the whole freaking plant is purple.
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    destiny exotic genetics

    I did take clones, this one looks too nice to let go. I'm in Chicago land... I'm going to call it PAAM, (PURPLE AS A MOTHA).
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    destiny exotic genetics

    Yes it was very nice, the purp one was best. Strong berry smell, super high I've got a few of their SUGAR strain halfway through flowering those are packing on the resin big time. Here's a couple pics of the Glueberry. Let me know if you find a purple female. It looked normal until the second...
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    Purple strains

    One of my glueberry muffins turned purp early flowering throughout. I don't think this strain is known for this though.
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    destiny exotic genetics

    One of my indoor Glueberry Muffin is looking real interesting. I have a few more outside that are not flowering yet, still in veg mode. First time I've come across a plant purpling up this early.
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    destiny exotic genetics

    I grew out the yeti, was a freebie with one of my orders, I was very impressed with the results