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  1. J

    Seeds not getting 1/2 inch roots after paper towel

    Is there anything I’m doing wrong then?
  2. J

    Seeds not getting 1/2 inch roots after paper towel

    Is there anything I’m doing wrong?
  3. J

    Seeds not getting 1/2 inch roots after paper towel

    (I leave them up to 48hours in paper towel)
  4. J

    Seeds not getting 1/2 inch roots after paper towel

    Hi fellow growers so most of the time I get about 80% success rate from seeds, but this time I haven’t changed a single thing I’m doing only thing that is different is the strain of seeds so I put them in water tap them down to the bottom and leave for 24 hours they then sprout tiny little...
  5. J

    Spots on leaves? What is this? And what can I do?

    Can any one tell me what’s going on with these leaves? It’s only a few leaves but I’d like to catch it early and find out what’s going on with it. Hope you guys can help as you always do! Cheers
  6. J

    My buds are frazzling up!

    All I’ve done is follow a feeding chart I’m given with my nutrients I’m doing everything right?
  7. J

    My buds are frazzling up!

    Why is this happening? I’m at end of week 7 of flower and they’ve started to frazzle so I’ve listed up the lights. But I don’t know what it is. It’s surely not light burn because they start from the tips or is it? Hope you can help
  8. J

    Nobody can help??

    What so 1 in 10 plants has a allergic reaction to pk booster? Yeahhhhhhhh…. I’m saying it’s highly unlikely when the EXACT same process has happend to the others and this one is the only unhappy one. As I said I think it’s nute burn but I just don’t think nute burn is the primary subject. I...
  9. J

    Nobody can help??

    What’s the answer I wana hear? I’d love to know?
  10. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    Who said I watered straight after? And yeah the forums here to help people not so you can wank yourself off over other people mistakes. Creep.
  11. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    I think it’s a combinated of the decimation and pk introduction.
  12. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    I’m guna trash this but the others next to it are defiantly savable. Any advice on killing thrips? And can thrips stunt bud development and thc?
  13. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    Thanks for the reply mate.
  14. J

    Major bud development problems

    I’ve got a room with a channel down the middle the left channel is thrip free and thriving never seen a scrog so healthy. but the other side is burnt and yellow apart from one plant which just seems to be immune to thrips which is weird because it’s in the middle. The one next to it is...
  15. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    It Dosent look recoverable I’m going to scrap but the others on the same side look very good still. What’s the best way of getting rid of thrips in flower?? ive just brought some neem oil but not sure if I can spray on the buds and I’ve brought some thrips predators but there Guna take a few...
  16. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    I don’t see it can be mute burn when I’ve fed all the other the same and defoliated all the others at the same time. I’ve just had a look at the plants more closely and I’ve realised a early infestation of thrips. Could it be a combined thing of defoliation thrips and nutrient burn?
  17. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    I defiantly overwatered this plant one night but the other plants took the feed perfect just the one that didn’t and I defoliate the night before also so would you say it’s not recoverable? Or could I perform a miricale on this one
  18. J

    Nobody can help??

    Take a look at my post about my problem in flower nobody has helped!! urgent !!!
  19. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    Anyone got anything for me??
  20. J

    Yellow leaves in week 4 flower

    They look more yellow in person it’s just the light and tbh they look worse than what they are in the photos too? Also is this curable? Or has the plant taken too much damage to bring it arround? Cheers guys