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  1. Y

    NEED ADVICE - Miracle Gro Moisture Control with 6 month feed

    Thank you. This eases my mind a bit. Hopefully the soil isn't too rich in nitrogen for the flowering stage!
  2. Y

    NEED ADVICE - Miracle Gro Moisture Control with 6 month feed

    But is the soil THAT rich in nitrogen that it will seriously effect the flowering stage?.. I'm hoping to find someone who has had some experience using the same soil or similar.. I unfortunately didn't think ahead when I was prepping to put outside.. If so, I can transplant if neccisary but...
  3. Y

    NEED ADVICE - Miracle Gro Moisture Control with 6 month feed

    Hey guys. So, this is my first time growing alone. I learned what I know from a couple older guys that I had the pleasure of growing with for 2 years. I tried to retain all the information i learned while growing with them but apparently some of that knowledge has been forgotten. Anyway. I...