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  1. M

    THE Definitive Recipe For TINCTURE!!!

    Where do you get 90% alcohol lemon extract? I've never seen or heard of it before.
  2. M

    Tincture recipe

    Anyone know of a recipe for a MJ tincture? Any books that have tincture recipes? Also, Hot Chocolate? Thanks.
  3. M

    Seed planting orientation

    That makes good sense. Thanks. Guess there are a lot of "misinformed" growers out there.
  4. M

    Seed planting orientation

    I heard somewhere to place the seed "point down". Is this correct or should the"round" end face downward?
  5. M

    Seed planting orientation

    I want to place seeds directly into seed starting mix. Which end of the the seed do I place down? What position should the seed be in the seed starting mix?
  6. M

    Seed orientation

    I want to place seeds directly into seed starting mix. Which end of the the seed do I place down? What position should the seed be in the seed starting mix?