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  1. M

    Hazeman Seeds

    also dc seed exchange has his gear to another great bank just a heads up
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    Hazeman Seeds

    [email protected] There is his email just send him a message and ask him for his list super nice dude
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    Update on (Get seeds right now ) jokerz 31 and pilon cookies well the jokerz 31 that he sells is a big joke tossed it at 4 weeks nanner city unless he had a mix up in clones but it's trash the pilon cookies looks good sofar but I wouldn't shop with them again only tested the waters because the...
  4. M


    Lol it be hard to pick just 3 but prolly the devil driver, white truffle and pure Michigan on that list but I wrote this down like 10 times and kept changing my 3 but I do got 10 more moms I just sent off to get tested should have the results wed or Thursday so I might have to pick 3 more off...
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    LIt Farms

    Ya I know what you mean I don't do all the drama eather and that looks fire I'm grab that cut up next .. I honestly was about to shit waiting for test results I got a long list of moms got 10 more test going out tomorrow and 2 of them are from Boston clones sofar 9 clean and 0 dirty from them...
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    LIt Farms

    Might just be a Boston Clone hater on there I just got alot of there clones tested and everyone came back clean but my rs11 didn't come from them it came straght from the drop thought that is where he got his cut ..there was also people saying when it got dropped it was dirty but apparently...
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    It's pretty nice cut yelds well frosty has a does stretch alot in flower and grows lil more wild then the mac1 not as sturdy of structure but does it live up to the hype hard question would I buy I again yes it has its place in the market
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    shoreline genetics

    Damn what the post office do to them run them over with the usps truck ..shoreline is a good dude never had problem geting his beans or cuts bet he resends sorry about the loss sucks
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    Any complete soils?

    I have always been a salt Grower but I just did a test ran some plants with Michigan made mix soil but I did transplant into 5 gallon right before flower and did use a sweetener and some budswell tea they didn't turn out to bad
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    They did spell cap junky cap yunky lmfao
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    Well good news only 1 infection and that plant never made it to my room but even if it would of my mom's never touch each other I never put more then one strain per clone tray ,I bleach pots ,trays domes use new blades ,clone gel always goes in lil shot glass disposable cups for each strain...
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    LIt Farms

    Man looks fire I have a long list of there clones he has mentioned that one a few times looks amazing guess I'm have to pick that one up too
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    LIt Farms

    That from Boston clones ?
  14. M


    Ok thanks for the information I will do the same ..really appreciate you responding
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    Hey I got a silly question and there prolly closed so might be awhile before I get a email back .I see when u send the test off says customer identification sample and shows the name of each plant when you get your results do you just write that on each bag of each sample? Thanks for any...
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  17. M


    Time to test some mom stock looks like there is alot of dirty girls out there now days
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    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    L Looks fire can't wait til my run with her is done
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    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Oreoz looking frosty and stacks hard all the way up
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    and how did the root process work ?