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  1. D

    12 hour switch

    Thanks! Nice pup profile pic too! Arrgh, where's me bacon treat?
  2. D

    12 hour switch

    Thank you!
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    12 hour switch

    Thank you!
  4. D

    12 hour switch

    Should the lights switch from 18/6 to 12/12 gradually over a period of time? For example start cutting an hour back each day over a week or so?
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    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Thanks! Planning to do that with some more mystery seeds next go 'round. Brings up another newb question. Turn light abruptly from 18/6 to 12/12 or gradually cut back hours over time? Take an hour away every couple days over or Bam! pull the plug and go straight to 12/12? Maybe I should start...
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    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Yikes another wealth of information to absorb. No seriously, really appreciate the link. On a mission to sponge up as much info and advice as I can.
  7. D

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Praying to the goddess of healthy leaves I do nightly!
  8. D

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Ok thanks! I definitely don't want to play guessing game. Will stick to soil. Much to learn, crash and burn on. Hate seeing plants suffer if I can do anything to help... Tomatoes and cukes took a huge hit outside this year with too much rain.
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    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Haa thanks! Definitely banana bread from scratch... bananas, sugar, flour, baking soda, sour cream. Eating some now. Appreciate the advice! Will start with coco on next seeds and maybe transition into coco mixed 50/50 with FFHF or FFOF. Does that sound ok or should I maybe try to stick with coco...
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    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Wonderful reply thanks "Green Refuge". Great question to spur comments and suggestions on what is a good medium new growers should start with. Any and all welcome to please weigh in. :-D I'd even bake banana bread and put these in there if that made it at all any easier.
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    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Thanks "curious2garden" that sounds like what I did with the bagged soil and started nutrients too early.
  12. D

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Good share thanks!
  13. D

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Thanks! So many quick, kind replies, experience, and advice is greatly appreciated!
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    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Thank you ComfortCreator... and every one! If you could please elaborate on the EWC, what that stands for? The farmer did transition from soy beans to corn every three to four years to swap out what one plant was taking and giving back to the soil so the next could benefit. Never knew there was...
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    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Thank you! I do PH the water going in at 6.3 to 6.8 and have since starting. I forgot to mention that and that I also started running it through a zero water filter 2weeks ago since the city water here is crap with tons of scaling and crud on anything it's evaporated in. [Discovered that...
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    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Nice! Thanks! Take over the whole back garden against the berm, put up ag-netting as a mini-green house 4wx4h and who'd know there were many little munchkins under there.
  17. D

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Thanks for the edit update! Nope. FFHF. Once I get the hang of this picky batch of who knows what, I'll try upping the foundation I start with. Guess it's a good challenge to start on with these mystery seeds. Hate to be killing good genetics while I'm in Jeckyl and Hyde learning mode.
  18. D

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Thank you! Yes, 5 gal transplanted a week ago from 1 gal. and nute watered at half bottle recommended strength. They do seem starving to me but I have no idea what I'm doing being so new.
  19. D

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Many thanks! Mars says their lights seldom cause burn, but I guess truth is in what the leaves reveal.
  20. D

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Thanks! I'm overthinking everything when back in the day it was plant and forget, but that was with plenty to die off and not loose sleep over.