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  1. M

    nute burn and sun burn

    I have it in tupper ware now curing it, just wasnt sure if it will help. I only cut down a few weeks ahead of my schedual. flower for like 7 weeks. they looked incredible before i left, then get home and she was dead. no good. was just wondering if there was some way to artificailly make them...
  2. M

    nute burn and sun burn

    Went away for a week and came back and had to do an emergency harvest. buds smell like shit, is there any way to make them smell any better? they dont taste bad, or look horrible, just smell like shit. lol.
  3. M

    Clippings = Cannabutter

    so i have three sticks worth of butter, i am wondering if anybody can tell me a recipe that i can use all three sticks in.
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    Clippings = Cannabutter

    Bump, somebody help me out here please.
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    Clippings = Cannabutter

    Ive searched the forum, and have yet to come accross a good way to do this. i have some clippings, like a walmart bag full. and want to make some cannabutter. is there a how too? or can somebody post up the steps to take please. in my readings the information on how to is all over the place...
  6. M

    Colorado med question while on probation

    I am wondering.... i am going to get my card next friday, appointments set and i am fully qualified. i am currently on probation and my probation officer says that it is up to her, my counsler, and a judge to say whether i can or cannot puff while on probation. i am wondering if this is correct...
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    Colorado med question

    Pretty damn excited!. just got my call from the THC Foundation of Denver. Got set up with my appointment. I am qualified for my IBS. They set my appointment two weeks from today. so save yourself some money from going anywhere else to get in quicker, seems like the THCF is on top of their game...
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    Colorado med question

    i got this number from a buddie, he said they got him in in a week, and two weeks later he had his med card. dont know how much they cost but they are supposedly in cherry creek as well. may be the same place as the link above tho, since they are in cherry creek. 1877-420-6337
  9. M

    Colorado med question

    i called them, pretty awesome, they said they could schedual me for an appointment as soon as next week!. but the only problem i have with them is the fact that it cost's 350 bucks. the thc foundation costs around 240 for me.
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    Colorado med question

    I am wondering if there is any other place to go other than the THC Foundation thats in Denver thats as easy as going to the THC Foundation. they are booking out 6 weeks for appointments, and i dont really wanna wait that long. i mean i will if i have to, but it's be nice to get my med card alot...
  11. M

    i was just reading a post that you posted in december. about knowing a good caregiver and such...

    i was just reading a post that you posted in december. about knowing a good caregiver and such. i will be a patient here soon and am in need of a decent caregiver. i personally know some up here in ft.collins, but do not really want to work with them unless i have to. so if we could talk about...