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  1. C

    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    is white widow a fairly easy grow for a first time grower? and how strong is the smell when growing?
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    how many plants possible for a 400w hps

    how many plants could i grow at one time if I'm using a 400w hps for the entire grow? what is the ideal number?
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    Stealth grow help

    its possible, use fluorescent lights
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    nutes question

    so i wouldn't need to add any nutes during the veg stage? what about the flowering stage?
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    nutes question

    i will be using fox farm ocean forest soil to grow white widow. do i need any nutes? if i do, i was thinking of getting Age Old Grow and Bloom but i'm not sure if this is overkill or not and if i do, when i should start adding nutes. any info would be greatly appreciated
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    Age Old Organics

    Anyone out there using Age Old Grow and Age Old Bloom? How is it?
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    getting rid of smell

    thanks for the help guys. i was wondering if these two things together will do it. I will be growing white widow x NL. I will be growing four plants.
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    getting rid of smell

    i am planning to grow in my closet. there are no vents so im not sure i would get rid of the smell. any suggestions would be great!
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    question about flushing

    when should you flush, how often, and how much water?