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  1. W

    Chop or not? Week 9 wedding cake first big grow.

    LOL, it is a tent. I mean that Iv'e put the most money time and effort into this grow. I've done a few single small plant's with weak lights no tent before, so its big for me. Not big for the pros.
  2. W

    Chop or not? Week 9 wedding cake first big grow.

    Thanks a mongo frog but I don't need an apology from Jimmy Slade. He doesn't deserve or understand respect.
  3. W

    Chop or not? Week 9 wedding cake first big grow.

    That will never happen. I'll keep growing and tweaking until I master this skill. Thanks NanoGadget but I don't need an apology from Jimmy Slade. He doesn't deserve or understand respect. :-)
  4. W

    Chop or not? Week 9 wedding cake first big grow.

    Leaves dead, dry or dying. not sure to chop or not. Not fully ripe though. Can I get a vote?
  5. W

    Week 10 day 2. Is she ok?

    I want her to ripen more though. Too little of mmature pistils and trichomes. I hope it can hang on.
  6. W

    Week 10 day 2. Is she ok?

    From medium.
  7. W

    Week 10 day 2. Is she ok?

    I flushed to get rid of build up, but the leaves were already going in that direction. You can see on my previous posts if you’d like.
  8. W

    Week 10 day 2. Is she ok?

    I flushed to get rid of build up, but the leaves were already going in that direction. You can see on my previous posts if you’d like.
  9. W

    Week 10 day 2. Is she ok?

    Most Fan leaves and a couple sugar leaves discolored or drying. 50% or more pistils still white. Ive recently flushed and reintroduced nutrients (Micro and Macro) 3 days ago. Does this look bad?
  10. W

    Week 9 Day 2 of flower cycle. Most fan leaves yellow and dying, pistils still mostly white. Plus accidental 72 hour darkness the past 3 days.

    Fan leaves began yellowing at the top of the plant while green at the bottom. Now fan leaves dying at the top and randomly yellowing and dying below but some are still green below. I had to leave for 3 days on emergency and didn't water so I had the tent unplugged to darkness the whole 3 days...
  11. W

    Do my plants look near ready guys.

    Can you take closer pics?
  12. W

    When to flush? Wedding Cake week 7 day 4 since switch to12 hour.

    It feels that way. I"ll keep feeding for now thanks.
  13. W

    When to flush? Wedding Cake week 7 day 4 since switch to12 hour.

    I hear that its not necessary with hydro because the reason for flushing is to rid the excess salts and nutes the sits in soil toward the end of the plant's cycle.
  14. W

    When to flush? Wedding Cake week 7 day 4 since switch to12 hour.

    I've heard that. And then I've others say it burns and tastes better if you flush. I need a dual experiment.
  15. W

    When to flush? Wedding Cake week 7 day 4 since switch to12 hour.

    Looking forward to learning how to make teas and compost.