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  1. R

    Leaves drooping after SuperCropping?

    Yea i guess they fine, i'll just leave them alone for a week or 3 :)... Happy New Year everyone!
  2. R

    Leaves drooping after SuperCropping?

    Thank You for asking!
  3. R

    Leaves drooping after SuperCropping?

    She lookin about the same, no problems really. New growth looks perky and good and same older growth a bit down. Stems look extra purple but again that plant since day 1 just complains about everything. Plant on the right is happy as usual. Neither of them show any real signs of tip burn, claws...
  4. R

    Leaves drooping after SuperCropping?

    Thats what i was thinkin, they do sorta look overwatered. They drank up what i gave them pretty quick, that was first thing i checked. I topped a couple spots at the same time i supercropped tbh. Roughed em up a bit, did some trimming and hacking... I cant wait until this run finishes and switch...
  5. R

    Leaves drooping after SuperCropping?

    Theyre 1 month old plants in 4 gallons each of medium, i could be wrong but i would bet they arent root bound. Yes there are holes in the buckets. Not that they drain becuase i dont drench the soil. I water them when they need water and have never seen them actually droop from being thirsty. The...
  6. R

    Leaves drooping after SuperCropping?

    Is it common for leaves to droop after some bending and twisting, super cropping? Overall both of my plants look pretty down but one on the left has some real droopy parts that is not ordinarily typical. So many videos and guides on the interweb about Super Cropping but nothing that I can find...
  7. R

    Are humboldt feminized seeds any good?

    Personally, I like to find out where a strain originates from if its possible. For instance, I would like to get my hands on some Amherst Sour Diesel from Humboldt Seed Org sometime this year. Thats kind of been my thing for a while now. If I see a beautiful strain id like to try out I do my...
  8. R

    Humidifier cant keep up

    Nice bush you have there! Thats something very interesting ive never thought about... Carbon absorbing Humidity. It almost sounds somewhat damaging to the filter.
  9. R

    Humidifier cant keep up

    Would you guys consider 50-60% RH during early veg to be sufficient? at 81F ?
  10. R

    Humidifier cant keep up

    Thank you all for inputs. I dont have any heat issues. The AC blower even at lowest settings handles the heat surprisingly well, even with the room at upwards of 80F. Only the humidity reaching high enough... Maybe the actual AC Infinity controller 67 is more useful than I originally thought. it...
  11. R

    Humidifier cant keep up

    Well the fan speed is already down to 3/10. Which barely keeps me around 82 F. I have to keep the tents overall room relatively warm to keep the sliding glass doors from overly condensating, which would lead to mold eventually.
  12. R

    Humidifier cant keep up

    Recently set up a new AC Infinity 4x4 Tent with 6inch AC Infinity Inline and Carbon. My Humidifier cant seem to keep up with the inline fan's air exchange. Im still in early veg with only a couple plants atm that are nice and healthy but cant seem to get humidity over 50% with the Humidifier on...
  13. R

    Dont Know?

    They pretty much me just starting some plants to veg in my closet until i buy a new tent next month. Hung 2x QB96s, currently set to 150w each at around 36 inches.
  14. R

    Dont Know?

    Pots have little less than 4 Gals each, i didnt really see the need to fill them to the top, and i have room for top dressing later. They 5 gallon buckets.
  15. R

    Dont Know?

    This is it currently. It fluctuates from 60 - 70%. Temp is usually a few degrees higher, more often about 81 or 81F. I dont think i can get it any higher tbh...
  16. R

    Dont Know?

    yea and it def has some signs of too much Nitrogen. But not a single sign of tip burn or other marks. Or clawing/curling. Maybe its just being overly sensitive about Nitrogen? The other plant is a normal healthy green, but this obviously is a bit too dark.
  17. R

    Dont Know?

    I say they... its just the one problem child. Other plant green and healthy as can be. Vigorous and loves life. Rough looking leaves and slightly turned up edges been going on with this plant for at least a week now. No other signs of anything else other than this morning when lights came on I...
  18. R

    Dont Know?

    sometimes it hits 70%, usually it around 60 tho tbh... I dunno there just no other signs to go off than some canoeing from the petiole and "irregular" look of some leaves. Im thinking maybe potassium deficiency would cause frilled up serrations but only way would have K Def is lockout from too...
  19. R

    Dont Know?

    Medium is 50% Fox Farm OF, 20% perlite, 30% Worm castings maybe 5% Vermiculite thrown in for Silica. Stays fairly wet for longer than i would like but plants havent been watered now in 3 days and im pretty careful about watering. Im def going to switch to mostly coco after this run i think.
  20. R

    Dont Know?

    well theres more than enough air movement, i actually turned my fan away for less direct airflow. Temps get as low as 72 at night and max about 81 during day. Unless it was getting too much wind, which is certainly a possibility, I would likely rule out heat or airflow. And humidity. My VPD is...