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  1. 1

    Best Console Game To Play High

    Grand theft auto IV, the open sandbox is soo much fun when ur blitzed.
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    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    This thread is hilarious!!!!!!! Keep it going!
  3. 1

    If You Voted For Bush STFU

    Look Bush was a fuck-up pure and simple. Almost everything he or his people laid there hands on just got even more out of control. Obama really hasn't done much since he got into office, so it's a little early to judge how good of a president he is. Give him another year and he will be halfway...
  4. 1

    Sup People

    Love this forum so I just figured I go ahead and make myself known.... :peace:
  5. 1

    Visine Can Help You Pass A Drug Test

    not at all lol... good luck:mrgreen:
  6. 1

    This Any Good?

    Very good, I like how he compares his own writing style to that of others.... tell him to keep up with writing....
  7. 1

    Post Your Poetry

    I wrote this like a year ago... may not be too good but whateva. If Heaven heals And Hell hurts Is the world we call earth Nothing more than dirt? Pain comes Pain goes We stay Our choice is our own God lives We die Our bodies become dust Love becomes rust And I hear nothing...
  8. 1

    Could Call It Acid...

    Yo you are super talented! You should try and sell some of your stuff if you don't already.
  9. 1

    Some Photos I Took : )

    Woah pretty great pics, bro. You gotta be rich with talent like that!
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    Stoner Zombie Movie?

    That would be an AWESOME movie bro! I would totally go and see it.
  11. 1

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Wish I could bump soooo bad haha, but unfortunately I can only post.
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    If you could have a unlimited supply of any drug, what would it be?

    Same here with the LSD or Shrooms, just cuz it is soo hard to find good ones where I live. Other than that it would be definately weed, as that would bring out a large dent from my wallet haha.
  13. 1

    What is your football team?

    Favorite NFL team is the Packers and favorite college team is Clemson
  14. 1

    Best Food When High

    Doritos and Swiss Cake Roles are the fucking BOMB.... wash it down with some Dr Pepper and you have reached nirvana.
  15. 1

    Fav. Movie to Watch While Stoned

    Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream are good. So is Across the Universe.... Alice in Wonderland is better with acid or shrooms instead of marijuana... Donnie Darko is trippy while high, the big bunny always freaks me out lol and when he hits the invisible wall and causes a bunch of...
  16. 1

    Favorite Thing To Do While High

    Going on Country Drives with friends. I live in SC, so there is alot of open country around here, and it is so fun just to ride around on the back streets and see cows and shit while talkin and chillin with friends.... Also goin to starbucks after hotboxin and just talkin with friends.
  17. 1

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    I love listening to the Postal Service... it's really mellow but then it also adds in these trippy instruments.... either that or the Beatles songs, 'I am the Walrus, and Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite' those songs are crzy when u get high
  18. 1

    Sex while High (Poll)

    Sex while high, and even masturbating while high, makes me last alot longer. I think it's cause you gotta focus on dif pleasure parts of your brain, which takes longer. Either way, it's alot of fun
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    My Thoughts of Marijuana and Meditation

    Very cool. I knew marijuana was mentioned throughout the bible, but I couldn't remember where exactly. You're argument is very well thought out and supported by the bible. It always confuses me when Christians and Preachers say stuff like 'Marijuana is bad!' You just gotta look at em and be...
  20. 1

    Modest Mouse

    Yeah, that songs awesome. I love how it almost seems like it's going to end, then OHMYGODDAM! lol It's pretty epic