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  1. T

    Please help. Should I harvest

    Removed a heap so hopefully it helps with airflow
  2. T

    Please help. Should I harvest

    I did fail to mention that for the last week I had a green shade cloth around the plant and a white one on top as my wife and I went away and I had the mother in law staying over. I’ve now removed it all . Could the browning on the leaves also be from a lack of light?. And the mildew is not...
  3. T

    Please help. Should I harvest

    So it had just rained when I took the pics. Should i remove the affected leaves
  4. T

    Please help. Should I harvest

    Hey so I am into week 6 of flowering and the buds have gotten heaps fatter and smelling pretty good. I have noticed though heaps of the fan leaves have brown spots and some have a white powdery mildew on them. Would it be best just to harvest before it gets any worse. Please be kind this is my...
  5. T

    Am I close to harvest

    Unsure, it is a bag seed
  6. T

    Am I close to harvest

    Just after some advice on how to fix if I’ve done something wrong. As I said my first grow so no experience
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    Am I close to harvest

    Hi so this is my first ever plant I’ve tried to grow. It’s from a seed I found in a bag and was germinated 23 weeks ago and in my veggie garden. I live in Queensland Australia so sub-tropic. We’ve just had an insane amount of rain over the last week not sure if that’s a factor. It’s been topped...
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    Am I close to harvest

    Is starting to smell nice though
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    Am I close to harvest

    The plant is about 7ft wide and 6ft tall
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    Am I close to harvest

    Planted last September, 23 weeks
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    Am I close to harvest

    Hey following up on my last thread, I’m now nearly 8 weeks into harvest on my outdoor grow. I’m wondering if someone could tell me if I’m getting close to harvest from this pics. I don’t have a jeweller loupe
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    Day 34 flowering on my first grow

    Growing in Queensland Australia so sub tropical, just about to hit autumn here
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    Day 34 flowering on my first grow

    Hey just wanted to get some opinions on how my plant is going. This is my first plant and it’s from a bag seed. currently on day 154 of the outdoor grow and 34 days into flower. currently feeding powerfeed (red bottle) every 5 days or so. wanting to know if the bud sizes are good at this stage
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    Is my plant in the flower stage yet

    Dam it I’m getting impatient lol
  15. T

    Is my plant in the flower stage yet

    Hey, growing my first plant outdoors. Has been in the ground from seed for about 18 weeks. Just wondering if it is almost at the flowering stage yet. I topped it a couple of times. cheers