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  1. Weedoguido

    Got guns?

    Not what I meant but i know what your saying, I live close to one of the shootings and know people who have been affected. I can say I've seen it first hand so my heart goes out to the families.
  2. Weedoguido

    Got guns?

    I don't know about you guys and gals but it kinda gets me pissed when the media keeps saying "AR15 style rifle was used" or they say, "a rifle similar to an AR15 was used". If they don't know what rifle really was used, they should do there research instead of giving the AR platform a continued...
  3. Weedoguido

    In-line fan filter/dust cover

    I use my inline with the air being pushed out of the filter rather than being drawn into it. Filter on outside of Bloom room and on the floor is the quietest install option for my needs because of fan and air movement noise. I use standard blue air filter at the start of the air duct inlet. It...
  4. Weedoguido

    HELP! I accidentally sprayed my clones with bleach!

    For this reason and no other, I keep plant foods in one cabinet and cleaners in a completely different one.
  5. Weedoguido

    Auto Week 6 - No stretch

    Grow it out and smoke it. If you only get an eighth from it you'll have one single nice joint ro smoke.
  6. Weedoguido

    Need tent ventilation advise...

    In my 2x4x4 tent I went with a 6inch inline setup because that's the largest my tent would take as far as inlets and outlets. One on top and one on the bottom of the tent on the side walls. I always go with the biggest fan so I can run the fan at slower speeds which has helped out with air...
  7. Weedoguido

    Hermie or NO Hermie

    I'd recommend giving all the plants in that grow space a good soaking with Flying Skull Nukem. It's safe to use in flower but it will make the pistils turn brown till new ones grow in. Take care of those thrips ASAP! Get a few sticky pads, I use the blue and yellow ones.
  8. Weedoguido

    Cleaning LED lights

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I was able to get away with using a micro Fiber cloth. Worked perfect, just went with a lite touch and everything came clean. Not need for any iso.
  9. Weedoguido

    Cleaning LED lights

    What's going on my fellow growers? Fantastic day here and I'm just looking to find out how everyone cleans there LED lights. I managed to score a pretty sweet deal on a used LED but I'd like clean it up a bit first before installing. Nothing crazy dirty just a little dust. I was thinking about...
  10. Weedoguido

    Why my seeds don't sprout?

    It just might take a little longer, don't throw them out yet. I don't use the paper towel method anymore but it will work for ya if that's your plan.
  11. Weedoguido

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I've been told the best part of the Golden years is the golden girls!
  12. Weedoguido

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    OHSA approved for sure!
  13. Weedoguido

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    This must have been taken in Federal Hill, RI.
  14. Weedoguido

    Outdoor Strawberry Cough 8+ feet but Few Flowers

    Yeah thats a tall gal for sure.
  15. Weedoguido

    Outdoor Strawberry Cough 8+ feet but Few Flowers

    Any pics of that 8 foot monster? I love big tall gals.
  16. Weedoguido

    Orange hairs

    Some citric based sprays can brown white pistils, did you by chance do any kind of foliar spray?
  17. Weedoguido

    What MOTORCYCLE do you ride and why?

    I loved my TW! I had the same slip on exhaust. Did you go with the airbox mod and use the TTR225 headers?
  18. Weedoguido

    Am i drying right?

    That's a good way to repurpose a closet shoe rack.
  19. Weedoguido

    Week 4

    That actually looks fun. Reminds me of something I seen at the beach one time.
  20. Weedoguido

    How to tell: Red diodes or blue.

    This one has 6 bars. Thanks for any help, much appreciated.