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  1. D

    I have no clue what these brown spots I’ve searched and everywhere tells me a different story PLEASE help!

    I see thanks bro I didn’t notice the symmetry but I did chop all the ones off
  2. D

    I have no clue what these brown spots I’ve searched and everywhere tells me a different story PLEASE help!

    What should I do then bro just chop off the leaves because I searched phosphorus deficiency and it looks similar but everyone says different
  3. D

    I have no clue what these brown spots I’ve searched and everywhere tells me a different story PLEASE help!

    So do you think I should flush my soil and start again with the nutes because I have no clue what to do. And it was the beginning stages of spidermites I got rid of them then now it’s this I have a problem with
  4. D

    I have no clue what these brown spots I’ve searched and everywhere tells me a different story PLEASE help!

    Hi guys so it’s my first time growing a normal outdoor plant it is in flowering now but I had some spider mites in which I counters with a organic pesticides and a week/week and a half I started getting these brown spots. Any help would be appreciated thank you