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  1. L

    Very gently. You can hear it crack. I had 2 that were empty shells. But I have 3 and I put them...

    Very gently. You can hear it crack. I had 2 that were empty shells. But I have 3 and I put them in a peat cup of some soil at the top. I marked with toothpicks and keep spraying moisture so they don't dry up. Still waiting... Will update you.
  2. L

    I have been soaking my seeds in the paper towel method. Finally after only one popping, I got...

    I have been soaking my seeds in the paper towel method. Finally after only one popping, I got frustrated, so I took tweezers and gently popped the sides of the shells on a few. 2 popped a little nub and planted! I will see if it works, then I'll pop a couple more. We'll see if this works!
  3. L

    Is now the ideal time to start germinating ? Very poor weather.

    I germinate in the house and once they get a foot tall I then plant outdoors
  4. L

    My Seed Bank Experience

    I agree with you on ILGM! The first year was great. But now two yrs in a row only half popped. I tried new ones from our head shop. 12 seeds for $20. They came in a Bic type pen, the name imprinted on the pen. So far I have 3 growing and the others are still germinating. I don't mind paying for...