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  1. R

    how early to start outdoor grow?

    Thank You this is very helpful indeed.
  2. R

    Outdoor Grows in Africa

    Man I never guessed Forums where this interactive. I'm usually on my own for this kind of shit. It really makes me happy and i'm on a detox break. Below I've attached some photos. Nothing special.
  3. R

    Outdoor Grows in Africa

    Love that! What are the conditions like for outdoor growing? Suitable?
  4. R

    Outdoor Grows in Africa

    Yesss yess it's blessed. Thank you!
  5. R

    Outdoor Grows in Africa

    Very helpful, I will gradually introduce them to the outdoors.
  6. R

    Outdoor Grows in Africa

    This is very helpful, ill keep the soil/humidity/temperature in mind. I've noticed when I was first starting out a few months back i took my plants outside for the day maybe 1 month and a half after sprouting and they really got burnt. So i kept them inside till they looked strong enough. The...
  7. R

    Outdoor Grows in Africa

    Thank you for your reply. My seeds are local nothing special but they seem to require less attention. I'm a first time grower, I did what everyone else usually says and I started indoors, then I repotted after my first month/2 then I moved my plants outdoors. I've noticed two of my pots are...
  8. R

    Outdoor Grows in Africa

    Thank you for your reply, you are definitely right not all of africa is a garden of eden.
  9. R

    Outdoor Grows in Africa

    Since our climate is obviously ideal, I was wondering if I could repot seedlings I've grown indoors outdoors in my garden? In the natural soil without pots. Is there any limitation?
  10. R

    how early to start outdoor grow?

    I am a first time grower in the horn of Africa where the climate is extremely suitable. I haven't used anything but natural soil and compost. I started off indoors and moved my pots outdoors when they looked strong enough. I had repotted once and I lost 1 out of 5 plants. Now my plants are in...