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  1. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    Harvested! Had just under an oz from the girl. I now have the strawberry cough and white widow on deck. I am having a small problem. It seems that once the plants get into flower just the fan leaves turn yellow and die. while the leaves on the actual developing bud is still green and great...
  2. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    The new low riders are in, germinated and sprouted. All 5 came up with only 1 of them being a little bit of a runt. I am about 3 days away from harvesting my first plant! Almost in full swing!!
  3. Quazi

    Is this enough?

    a 400w would be enough but it may be too much with such little height to grow in. if you can give yourself some more height the 400w would be perfect.
  4. Quazi

    soil/nute question for a nube going organic

    worm castings!!! pick them up at the hydro shop but they add alot of organic matter to your soil. i cant say enough about how well they add nutrients and good bacteria etc to the soil. i use them to start all my seedlings and once in flower i add chemicals but 100% organic soil mix all the way...
  5. Quazi


    how big is the pot and ow well does it drain? you may want to use a very diluted solution the first time just to introduce the nutes but if the pot is a fair size than there should be nutrients left in the soil. Also dont be afraid to let the girl dry out a little bit. this causes the roots to...
  6. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    thats exactly what im hoping. and i read they are auto-flowering!
  7. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    The large female is still about is 3 weeks out from harvest. So she is about 5 weeks along as I am letting her flower about 8 weeks total. The babies are not showing sex yet and are about 8 inches tall. I dont want these to get quite as big as I have 5 more seeds on the way. This time I...
  8. Quazi


    i agree that the pH is looking off and your girl is looking a little bit soggy. Also i have a bag seed in bud right now and she had some trouble getting going. If you havnt already i would wash out any nutes you may have used on the seedling and check the pH. also the bottom baby leaves are...
  9. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    here are some new photo's from the grow. All is good but i did get a little nutes burn after i gave them some floronova. I only mixed about 1/2 cap full with 2 liters of water and had yellowing leaves within 24 hours then I flushed her out and all is looking on the up and up. as for the...
  10. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    I think my light is strong enough. however i definatly raised the seedlings about 2 feet and now sit about a foot away from the light for now. as for the the other plant i cant raise it and just hope she fills out with the proper nutrients and care i guess
  11. Quazi

    First Hydro Closet Grow, too crazy

    I would try and exhaust out through the bathroom fan if it is close enough and you can access the duct work. if so split the duct and exhaust out that fan and no one will know the difference as its just the bathroom fan on.
  12. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    Into week 2 of flower and a small aroma is developing :D. I have done some research on different nutrients to use to flower herb, however if there is anyone that has some tried and true solutions that they use i would appreciate it.
  13. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    the intake fan the most noisy but the carbon filter and squirrel fan are not at all noisy
  14. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    This is the bag seed i currently have in flower. This is where i need a little information. I am almost certain i need to give the girl some nutes as the leaves are yellowing and i think she would have consumed all nutrients in our soil mix. Any good flower nutrients we should use? Here is...
  15. Quazi

    Home made - 4 Strain Growbox

    Hey all Well I have been following the forum and reading alot of threads over the past year or so. I have finally got off my ass and put a grow box of my own together. The dimensions 55wx48hx36d All 2x4 and osb sheathing I am running one 400w hps light along with a 18" carbon filter and...
  16. Quazi

    Hydroponic Virgin

    nice set up. I have decided to go with the stealth Bubbleponic pro kit with extra 6 plant system and the Dual Spectrum II High Output Fluorescent Light Kit. I will post pics and start a jornal once I have everything up and running.
  17. Quazi

    Hydroponic Virgin

    I have a jumbo wardrope that I got from walmart a while back (link). I want to setup a hydroponic system in it. Does anyone have any experiance working with this kind of space. I just need help with a design to get me started thanks.