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  1. MartianMan999

    Aphids on my drying harvest ideas? Have they turned from Za to blah?

    These fuc*ing thing are a nightmare from DE treatment with Neem oil to a wash I go down to my drying room and I put an led just to see what’s going on and all the sudden I see little brown assholes running up to the top stem for a fiesta. Obviously, my buds aren’t gonna be ZaZa anymore which...
  2. MartianMan999

    1st grow-End Game-no problems then i

    God bless my fellow green thumbs! This is winded and I apologize. chop season is right around the corner and since I’ve never gardened before. A lot of that is to y’all so thank you. If there’s ONE thing you can answer for me please tell me if I should be freaking out about the rust. I never...
  3. MartianMan999

    Canadian growers destroyed a record 425 million grams

    Right not that i am I used to till I found a leprechaun do the math on that. Let’s avg east 2k per lb 250 X 2k = 500k dollars worth of bud. Obviously, these number fluctuate by state, customers, etc
  4. MartianMan999

    Canadian growers destroyed a record 425 million grams

    BRUUUCE ashy slashy the boomstick butcher with the chainsaw hand
  5. MartianMan999

    Canadian growers destroyed a record 425 million grams

    I don’t know if we can talk about prices for just fux sake but out here pounds go for 2-2400. Recently I got very lucky let’s just say and throw that 3 divide it into that and it’s still cheaper. Trying to crack Midwest on its head
  6. MartianMan999

    Blank I don’t know how to delete guys

    Making a new thread right spot n all that can’t delete????
  7. MartianMan999

    First Grow - Hook Worms - End Game - Jitters - respect for any info dude fr

    I grabbed a 3-1 it’s like nut dude LOL fr I started spraying I did it directly at my pistils (my girls started budding!!!!!!!) and SLOP just like a shot dude. Not sure what’s excessive but I didn’t get carried away like I do with DE.
  8. MartianMan999

    First Grow - Hook Worms - End Game - Jitters - respect for any info dude fr

    Also, the DE should I soak and re do? Do you slosh? I have a duster and I may have went POOF :(. Will this effect growth? And since you asked the BT shouldn’t fuck growth up either I’d imagine? How much BT? I’m lightly spraying this goop on one-2 big bud towers too down and some underneath in...
  9. MartianMan999

    First Grow - Hook Worms - End Game - Jitters - respect for any info dude fr

    Sorry I meant thank you my girls started budding the next day and I don’t want these worms fucking it up. I got a 3-1 insect and bug ready to use BT - I’ve found 1 only since I started treating. Even then it can’t eat once it bites, correct? Aha my bad I was freaking dude if those all went full...
  10. MartianMan999

    VIVOSUN Labor Day Giveaway-Win What You Want

    Woah even the tent kits?
  11. MartianMan999

    VIVOSUN Labor Day Giveaway-Win What You Want

    Yo so my favorite product on that flier right?? Not EVERYTHING Vivosun has?
  12. MartianMan999

    VIVOSUN Labor Day Giveaway-Win What You Want

    @jiggrinder @Jjgrow420 @turbobuzz @DancesWithWeeds thanks for all your help guys !!!!!! Are we picking from anything or just what’s on the AD - I’m assuming the AD and if that’sthe caseI would take the light for sure.
  13. MartianMan999

    VIVOSUN Labor Day Giveaway-Win What You Want

    What do I need to do to enter? I have a 1000W spider that would match this greatly with my 8 seedlings making headway!!!
  14. MartianMan999

    VIVOSUN Labor Day Giveaway-Win What You Want

    @CaliRootz88 thank you bro for the tag!!!
  15. MartianMan999

    First Grow - Hook Worms - End Game - Jitters - respect for any info dude fr

    Literally was looking at that tytytytytyty last thing I need is thc less bud
  16. MartianMan999

    First Grow - Hook Worms - End Game - Jitters - respect for any info dude fr

    Ayooo! If it’s not a woman hopefully it’s Marijuana amirite? All jokes aside - I decided to grow outside for my first rodeo. I need to know the gravity of this situation before I get into the intended stuff. It is all winded I apologize. Yesterday a grey hook worm is on my lead sucking...
  17. MartianMan999

    First time grower - watering question

    So true though