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  1. JoeFromSD

    Plant's not looking so good ..

    right on guys yeah it gets me stoned in a good way too!
  2. JoeFromSD

    Plant's not looking so good ..

    so just after those last pics the plant rallied for about a week, got to looking pretty good and then I harvested it! these are dried now, how does it look to you?
  3. JoeFromSD

    Plant's not looking so good ..

    yeah wizzle I've been pulling that dead brown stuff off, little clumps of it, is there anything I can do at this point? this was a volunteer plant and was looking pretty good until the last week or so.
  4. JoeFromSD

    Plant's not looking so good ..

    Man that's not what I was hoping to hear ..
  5. JoeFromSD

    Plant's not looking so good ..

    So I got rid of powdery mildew a couple weeks ago, it was looking good for a week or so but now, not so much. Is that because harvest is approaching? How close am I to harvest??
  6. JoeFromSD

    Had a branch break off ..

    Where is some good info on drying this weed? Just hang it up in a ventilated room without any direct sunlight?? last time I grew weed was 1975!
  7. JoeFromSD

    Had a branch break off ..

    No I just got rid or powdery mildew and I'm pretty sure that's the damage done.
  8. JoeFromSD

    Had a branch break off ..

    Should I dry this branch out, will I even get a buzz?? I'm pretty sure it's nowhere near fruition but this pic is just part of a large branch that broke of and I hate to just waste it..
  9. JoeFromSD

    Powdery Mildew Questions

    Yeah that product worked well, I drenched it, then again after 4 hours, and again the next day. Real nice knowing it's only citric acid!
  10. JoeFromSD

    Powdery Mildew Questions

    OK so my plants have it with harvest just weeks away. I got this stuff to treat it Is this stuff a good choice for which product to use? How do I apply this? Spray all leaf surfaces, top and bottom, as well as the...
  11. JoeFromSD

    Not Trichomes?

    Oh yeah I can see the trichs, is that the optimum time, while they're just starting to show them or just before they amber,
  12. JoeFromSD

    Not Trichomes?

    Hobbs! Where's a good place to get that scope?? Herb, they'll recede all the way and disappear? How long after that should I be checking? is this a indica do you think?
  13. JoeFromSD

    Not Trichomes?

    What are these brownish red filaments on the buds? Good or bad sign? Pretty sure they aren't trichomes. will I be able to see the trichomes with a regular lower power magnifying glass?? how long to harvest, and checking out the trichomes on this short little plant would you say? sorry, I'm an...
  14. JoeFromSD

    Ants Coming Up My Nice Plant!

    no they're prob tending aphids or whitefly ,or some other pest they're milking and that pest is prob doing the damage. I'm in very So Cal.
  15. JoeFromSD

    Ants Coming Up My Nice Plant!

    what can I do about the ants, without poisonings the weed!? Normally I'd spray with a pest soap solution for the aphids whatever, but this nice outdoor growing plant is well in to budding out! I haven't IDd what pest they're tending. Hope there's a good solution!
  16. JoeFromSD

    Prune This 'Bush'?

    This plant took off, and then we had 90* + temps which seemed to stunt it and as you see it's staying pretty small for a pot plant. Now there are side branches taking off, and they're getting real bushy. I have been trimming the lower branches that are shaded, but should I cut this back to just...
  17. JoeFromSD

    Ready To Harvest??

    Yes I cut the original center flowering stalks off over a month ago and now it's bushing out. I've never seen bushy pot plants like this one is now, so should I thin it out some? Maybe just leave a few main stalks either side or just let it continue?
  18. JoeFromSD

    Ready To Harvest??

    OK folks, the center stalks weren't good at all so I cut them off. Now the two side stalks have taken off but they're like little bushes! I have been trimming the lower branches that are shaded, but should I cut this back to just a few main leads on both sides, or just let it continue?
  19. JoeFromSD

    Ready To Harvest??

    so Cali, I should cut those center bud stalks now? Or let them continue?
  20. JoeFromSD

    Ready To Harvest??

    So Cali, just let the center stalks continue flowering in hopes they will mature?