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  1. U

    Why do Republicans suck?

    The one thing I do find funny is all the dems that hate trump come up to i downloaded this yesterday to ask about a plant and this is what I find half the post are about this shit
  2. U

    Foxfarm Happy frog or ocean forest ???

    Go to a local farm ask for chicken horse cow shit in the fall put it in plastic totes Go to the woods get old decaying leaves Go fishing chop up the fish u catch Mix it all together and bam in the spring u gunna grow without ever having to add anything my dads been doing it for 30 years and...
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    Pandemic 2020

    no Covid in northern vermont…guess the people in the country arnt sucking on each others toes spreading it!
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    Why do Republicans suck?

    U didn’t vote yesterday?
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    Why do Republicans suck?

    Expand on what? my point got proven I put 10 words on here and wrote r u triggered yet and look at the responses. It’s hilarious I don’t give a fuck if it’s republican or democrat I hate politics I come on a weed sight and first thing I find is someone bitching about republicans and I go to...
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    Why do Republicans suck?

    ok for one obviously it was a joke hence why I said u triggered yet. for two I don’t like trump but god damn this Biden guy is a embarrassment For 3 I don’t care dem or republican cause it’s a joke. It doesn’t matter who we get if it’s republican or democrat they are all fucking idiots and...
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    Make or female

    Thank you!
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    Make or female

    The little pods are what confused me my other 7 plants don’t have them
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    Make or female

    That’s what I thought but why is it like puffy where the buds will be like is starting to flower? I live on the Canadian border and it’s June my other 7 plants don’t look like this at all and last year didn’t puff like that u til end of July august
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    Why do Republicans suck?

    TRUMP 2022 White Straight Male are u triggered now? need ur safe space now?
  11. U

    Make or female

    I’m a newbie this one is different then my other plants