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  1. D

    i want too grow indoors i got a closet

    hey thanx for the info and i dont want my email on here i messed up i tried to change it but i dont know how
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    i want too grow indoors i got a closet

    what kinda of systom is good for begeners
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    i want too grow indoors i got a closet

    hey i just wanted to know what kinda of systom is good for biginers and how many plants i can grow in a closet i didnt ask how to grow it and what a ph is
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    i want too grow indoors i got a closet

    i dont know a whole lot about growing and and dont know what kind of systom to get for a closet and i also what to know how much can i grow in a closet with out getting busted and how much weight will i get per plant
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    need help i just got an apartment

    hey i thank yall for the advice
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    need help i just got an apartment

    i just got an apartment and want to start growing what would be the easyest way to go about it and i dont whant big electric bills
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    endless options

    hey i am new at this and i want to make a post cuz i want to start an indoor garden and i need some help
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    What to do with a bedroom?

    hey man i am thinking about starting a grow room i have looked online at grow boxes and other set ups but i dont realy know any thing about hydroponics or any of that stuff but your set up realy cought my atention and i raly want to start growing so do you think you can help me out