Search results

  1. N

    In need of GMO crosses

    Check out Hoku seeds has a bunch of Donny burger crosses check in the type 1 section
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    Compost tea newbie

    I've been making tea with comfrey and other "weeds" by letting them decompose in a 5 gal bucket of water for a few weeks. Then I take out about 3/4's of the liquid add maybe 2cups chicken manure and @ 1/2 cup of molasses fill the rest of the water and let that brew for @2 days ( the microbes...
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    Open show an tell 2023

    Purple Freeze I seeded in May close
  4. N

    Anyone know what this is?

    That's what they are saying one this morning thanks
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    Anyone know what this is?

    Pics not the best something is eating around the stems
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    I'm not sure borers and cut worms are the same but I use diatomaceous earth, it will help if you get those "cucumber beetles" later in the summer too
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    Hemp Depot

    I got a couple of freeze crosses @ 4 or 5 yrs. ago they were good, I was considering ordering again wish the process was easier, it can take a while to seeds from Canada
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    Copa Genetics

    I grabbed the outdoor pack looks like a good deal to me. I ordered them from DC though should be here in a few days
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    Coastal Seed Company

    Oaxican Columbian did really well even pretty far north. Nice old school weed reminds me of high school and puts a smile on my face. Definitely running again[ATTAC
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    Coastal Seed Company

    This is Smuggler's Choice grew nice, never got to big or produce well but excellent smoke, a little trippy.
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    Copa Genetics

    This is copas ancient goji freebie I got from DC seed ex. grew like a dream
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    Anyone ever try West Coast seed co.

    I was looking at West coast seeds on hemp Depot anyone else try? Interested in Donkey Dick, sealevel, or the skink crosses?
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    Hemp Depot

    Anyone tried anything from West Coast seeds?
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    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    It's a cross between some unknown strain and blueberry (joti) I'm a little north of Watertown ny
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    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    Fall colors
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    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    rain is coming and still a little way to go Ancient goji, white Russian, GDP special, space skunk, and pineapple paradise
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    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    Ancient goji, grape stomper x w stardawg, GDP special, space skunk and pineapple paradise can't wait
  18. N

    Does anybody use baking soda intermittently with microbes for fungus?

    I've tried blackstrap molasses with water it seemed to help didn't hurt the plants
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    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    Sure, the plant itself needs a lot of water to keep it up and growing and 5gal buckets won't hold alot so you have the keep replacing what the plants use
  20. N

    Out door 2022 open show an tell

    I have some grape stomper x w/stardawg, white Russian, gdp special, oaxican Columbian, space skunk and pineapple paradise