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  1. Dues__Bellator

    BioBizz Bio-Bloom Grow Schedule

    I too am using bio bloom I'm using 4mls per 2 litres of water 1 plant 2 litres every 2nd or 3rd day I've used as soon as it went from veg to flower. I'm coming to the end of week 6 about 4 weeks left I'm guestamating. Hope you get a nice smoke with a heavy yeild my man.
  2. Dues__Bellator

    Hey guys growing my very first plant.

    So as the title says, being 50 I've waited long enough for it to be legalised but a couple of judges here where I live have thankfully seen sense and throwing out cases where someone is growing just 1 plant weather it be curiosity or for personal use I wouldn't like to tell someone over the age...