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  1. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    THC resin is in the stem sap? Now I've heard it all. Again what a great bastion of information.... On a side note I've left a few in the pots and let it dry out the substrate... Then dry the plants in their planters.... I've got a friend who's been doing this for decades with excellent...
  2. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    Sure wish was as simple and straight forward as you suggest.... Specifically speaking to the matter Wonderful advice on the drying part.... Properly lol as opposed to inappropriate or wrong Such a bastion of cannabis knowledge here Thanks for sharing your valuable insight and inspiration
  3. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    I think he's referring to the keys to obtaining exceptional results everytime Certainly every grow is a little different.... Unless you've got really strict environmental conditions
  4. F

    Elite gear is overrated

    Yeah I just came off using narcotics for the past fifteen years and am only fifty five.... Lost over hundred pounds back to normal body weight for myself and adjusting. I feel better. More active. More stamina... Been smoking weed since I was seven lol. Narcotics almost was the end of me
  5. F

    Elite gear is overrated

    Well if you trust the the genetics project. It's mostly showing blueberry as the cultivator that's produced many a modern strain.... It's produced far more cup winners than anything else by far.... An old cut ✂ from at least the early 90s circulating around Portland. I've had it in jars...
  6. F

    Elite gear is overrated

    I like the attitude. I share your philosophy on multiple fronts. Willing to share my stash with those capable of approaching the diversity of strains we have available
  7. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    Just trying to use them to get the flowers started early as possible. But venting is an issue so it's not been too useful. Some of them got started
  8. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    Some of it's over my head usually. Today's project to up pot the stragglers all natural found substrate
  9. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    I'm a little high strung and a biochemistry major so I enjoy talking cannabis. I've been smoking since I was a kid So I can be a little arrogant fellas. I'm well aware of my shortcomings.... A's in biology and chemistry.... Failure at life.. lol. Everyone is good at some subjects
  10. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    Lol sorry I was paranoid
  11. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    Which Do I need one? I was just sharing information.... Accurate information About water uptake and nutrition
  12. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    Yeah it's got excellent organic surfactant activity. No doubt it foamy too if you shake it up well. Lol. Lots of bubbles with oxygen for the roots to interact Does anyone know the most abundant oxidizers on earth? Lol. But it's not available if it's attached with those pesky covalent bonds...
  13. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    I can't emphasize enough that true primo is everything.... Beginning to end flawless It's a tough measure to hold one self honestly. It requires introspection and trying new things. It's an unending process not a destination And a little self flagellation
  14. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    The best and cheapest flush I've ever used is Mohave gold yukka extract.... 1/4 tsp per gallon and done.. Also great for reset if needed But I generally wind down plants naturally these days with control of what goes in.... The biggest newb error is to overdo phosphorus and middle and...
  15. F

    Elite gear is overrated

    Correction... Hunted down by good friends who knows a thing or two about reciprocity and trust Sometimes the natives know best IMO anyhow. Especially if they been around the block a few times. Or in this case a few decades
  16. F

    Elite gear is overrated

    So what I'm saying is capture the plant in it's most spectacular from first then start working on getting it past the stages.... Agree fully... A cultivator is a widely accepted strain under persistent cultivation Where a strain is more of an isolate much more similar to a cutting... It...
  17. F

    Who REALLY Cures PRIMO?

    Just for clarification; I do pheno hunting in all realms as I do with breeding plants... BOTH indoor and outdoor. No laboratory involved. Lol. Currently exclusively outside in the Cascade mountains somewhere For those who struggle with geography it's Washington State
  18. F

    Elite gear is overrated

    Yeah don't forget the clone only.... You think those are bonafide cultivator? Can it exists outside of seed from is I guess what I'm saying. I mean a seed in and of itself (in my mind anyhow) is a hybrid of sorts
  19. F

    Elite gear is overrated

    That's what Naturopathic Practitioners do actually. But I agree people like neurologist should be up to date on some level
  20. F

    Elite gear is overrated

    Or someone else with a lot of experience with particular strains and how they interact with a specific symptoms I agree My point being that the vast majority of cannabis marketing is hogwash. Bullshit lies wrapped up in confusion and outright falsehood