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  1. W

    Veg stage leaves dying

    They are in small 4inch pots. I was trying this run to flower in 1gal pots but now they are yellowing more with brown spots so I think you are right and I’ll have to pot up
  2. W

    Brown spots on yellowing leaves

    Soil Ph is 6.2 Temp 81 Hum-60ish Ppm about 800 last week I fed them and forgot to ph my water. I corrected the ph the next feeding but my plant are looking under the weather still. Is it just taking time to bounce back or am I dealing with a different deficiency or problem? I attached photos...
  3. W

    Plants looking down

    I made a mistake and watered my plant without going the water. After that I let them dry out and then corrected the ph. A couple have brown spots and are yellowing. the darker healthier ones are having issue on the tips. However, they are still looking bad. Some look as if they bounced back...
  4. W

    Veg stage leaves dying

    Saw that too and got scared but under a microscope they are trichs. Idk how they are even there so early
  5. W

    Veg stage leaves dying

    Yeah the humidity was low during seedling. I just fed for the first time yesterday 1 gal water 1ml power SI I only did 2ml of cal mag but after the feeding the top leaves looked amazing. But I noticed the bottoms looked like that too. I also added a bit (about 1tsp)of maxsea )
  6. W

    Veg stage leaves dying

    What ppm should I be hitting about this time ?
  7. W

    Veg stage leaves dying

    Hi I’m in veg and my leaves are dying some look healthy. I’m in soil Temp Humidity Like brown yellow rust leaves some are purple looking. what deficiency is this ??
  8. W

    Yellowing plant

    Week 1 of flower Plants yellowing at tips Middle of leaves are dark and spiney. Temp 85 Hum 49 Growing in soil. ph is 6.2
  9. W

    Yellow white around and on leaves

    Super Soil Daytime Temp 84 Hum 65 Nighttime Temp 72-74 Hum 60 These are Water only no nutes. But i have 2 out of 8 that I’m throwing nutes in that are doing this as well. Started seeing some of the bigger fan leaves develop this and I don’t know what it could be. researched that it could be...
  10. W

    Black splotches on plant. Yellowing leaves

    Damn. How much do I need to get it down ? Also how did you know that?
  11. W

    Black splotches on plant. Yellowing leaves

    Hi Soil 75% coco 25% 30 gal beds Temp is 91 Hum 74 Week 4 of flower. utilizing only teas. Plants have been and nice green up until a week ago. All of a sudden they developed small and large black blotches and leaves are turning yellow. The whole plant looks yellow. Edges are curling turning...
  12. W

    Brown spots showing on plants.

    Big thank you. I will look into it and definitely tone down the ipm. I appreciate it big time.
  13. W

    Brown spots showing on plants.

    I just switched from dr enzymes which I was spraying 1 time a week. But I was ready the play therapy bottle and it was confusing so I just went with the middle option to keep away anything.
  14. W

    Brown spots showing on plants.

    I have these spots showing up in some of my plants. Soil 75% 707 25%tuper I spray plant therapy ipm 3 times a week Ph5.8 I have only been feeding teas and brews really and they are normally healthy and vibrant green with the exception of these few. (New seeds) grape nebulas. Trying to stay...
  15. W

    Yellow discoloration on leaves

    Originally I thought it was variegation.
  16. W

    Yellow discoloration on leaves

    Hey woke up this morning to a couple of leave on 2 plants doing this. I’m in 75% soil 25% tuper Ph is 6.0 Feeding drip hydro nutes. All other plants look healthy. I super cropped them all the other day then this showed up on 2 of them. Thank you in advance It affected both the same strains...
  17. W

    Should I harvest

    Also I’m leaving them for 2 more weeks . I had already flushed them so for the next feed I gave them a terp tea and rock resonator 12ml/gal. They seem to be fine . Losing a little color but I should be able to get it back on track and keep healthy until harvest. I appreciate you all
  18. W

    Should I harvest

    When do calyxes start to come In ?
  19. W

    Should I harvest

    Hey I’m in week 9 of flower and tomorrow(Monday ) will be first day of week 10. should I harvest the ladies Harvesting has always been a weird part for me. I flushed them already and hit them with on last bout of molasses and water. Here are some pics.
  20. W

    Week 7 flower. Weed losing color and hay smell.

    Your amazing. I figured. Also why does the strong weed smell go away if I harvest my plants later than that? The harvest before the ones I posted, I harvested them at 8-9 weeks and the stickiness and smell was damn near non existent. Any help is appreciated. igot A lot to learn