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  1. astrohip

    Demonic Genetics Thread

    Just placed an order: Apple & Banana Driver 6+ Photo Fems, and Auto Sour Diesel fems. 3 pack
  2. astrohip

    Leaf issue

    New plants, germinated about 6-8 weeks. Been in the ground about 3 weeks. Were looking good until 3-4 days ago, the leaves started with these yellow-ish areas on some of the tips. I read thru the guide here (pinned post), but couldn't find a match. Ideas? Help and thanks!
  3. astrohip

    White tips on leaves

    SE Texas (NW of Houston)
  4. astrohip

    White tips on leaves

    I had to look that up. No, started from seed this spring, planted in pot when it sprouted, then put in the ground a couple weeks ago. I believe it is an autoflower. Vaguely recall that from the seed purchase description (but could be wrong).
  5. astrohip

    White tips on leaves

    It might be, it's still newly planted. Maybe 2-3 weeks max. It was a seedling for a little while before I planted it in the ground. I'm new at this. What does it mean if that's a bud? Thanks.
  6. astrohip

    White tips on leaves

    No, it's newly planted. Not that old.
  7. astrohip

    White tips on leaves

    Flush with lots of water?
  8. astrohip

    White tips on leaves

    Thanks. I'll give 'em some time and see what happens. Appreciate the help!
  9. astrohip

    White tips on leaves

    Not really. They were transplanted about 2 weeks ago, from starter pots, into soil. I mixed some fresh soil, with compost, and I did add some fertilizer to that soil mix. Not too much. I haven't done anything but water them since.
  10. astrohip

    White tips on leaves

    Some of the leaves on my plants have turned white at the very tip. Any concern? I didn't have this last year, so I'm wondering what's changed.
  11. astrohip

    When to transfer from seedling starter to pot

    I use a starter soil for the seeds. When I transfer today, I will put in a more regular soil.
  12. astrohip

    When to transfer from seedling starter to pot

    Thanks. Will transplant in the next day or two.
  13. astrohip

    When to transfer from seedling starter to pot

    I apologize, I know there are threads on this, but Search didn't find them... and I'm new to the growing game. I started my seeds 10-11 days ago, in a seed starter kit/tray. How do I know when they're ready to be transplanted into small pots? See pic. Thanks.
  14. astrohip

    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    Five days from seeds planted...
  15. astrohip

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    Shout out to GLG... my order to them was shown as delivered by the USPS (tracking enabled), but somehow they never got it. Without me even having to bug them, they said they will take care of it, and process it as if received. :-D Great customer service, and much appreciated! I just hope that...
  16. astrohip

    Favorite Music or Movie to Harvest to?

    Funny you mention podcasts. For the first time, this year I listened to some during trimming, instead of just music. It does help with a mindless task.
  17. astrohip

    Favorite Music or Movie to Harvest to?

    Ooh, I hadn't thought about that. As I mentioned above, I either stream Grateful Dead (live shows), or some classic rock albums (Who, Eagles, etc). Next time I'll try some ageless Bob Marley, maybe Natty Dread. I just finished this year's trimming, so I'll add it to 2023's playlist. Thanks for...
  18. astrohip

    Favorite Music or Movie to Harvest to?

    I just spent about twenty hours trimming this year's harvest. My avatar says it all. I listened to three DeadCasts, all of Veneta (again), and several other shows, plus some JGB, and even the occasional Who's Next when I needed some caffeine.