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  1. M

    First time with autoflowers and they seem to suck generally

    By cold shock. I plant all auto seeds I grow in a mildly wet substrate and put the pot in the fridge for a week or two then I cover seed with a humidity dome and put on the floor of a growing veg tent until it pops. Usually 4-6 days. Simulates a natural process of nature witch autos are used to...
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    First time with autoflowers and they seem to suck generally

    I like auto genetics, I've had good results. My recent run was of the Ethos Pluto Cut RF3 with some LST. But all the conditions matter from age of seed to storage and cold shock before growing. I see autos reacting to a cold shock with good results
  3. M

    Compost Tea recipes.

    The Boogie...Thats a smaller niche nice to see
  4. M

    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    I grow indoor, outdoor, medicinal, veggies, bonsai and psilocybin
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    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    I really like Jeremy/Build a soils platform. But even he tells you that you can make this stuff. Huge Aloe leaves are $1.39 at my local Mexican food store. I get 12 for $12. And out of that I can get over 100 gallons of additive and then the butts are used for the re amendment smoothie mix...
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    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    With the earthworm casting I make 1 gallon of compost tea that I feed with 2 cups of morena pure cane sugar to 2 cups of healthy castings
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    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    So for an example. And your mileage may vary due to your current soil and biology. But for a 25 gallon air tub I use: I would blend ( in the cheapest blender Walmart offers) 5 pounds of leaves fallen still in the red and yellow color spectrum, mixed with 1 quart of PH'd to 6.0 spring water...
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    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    After -response- shouldn't have had a question mark
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    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    Ive been using these smoothies for a long time and don't have problems if you cook them properly in your tubs and let your substrate come to life for a bit before planting. Does anyone use aloe or yucca blended as a wetting agent / host plant vaccine? As Aloe causes a plant to...
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    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    The parts we throw out in fruits and vegetables in our kitchen: The skin and butts of most fruiting bodies is the most aerobic and has the highest compounds of anti pathological compounds as the precept the goodness inside that we eat. Similar to using seed sprouts blended up for start life...
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    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    The fall is possibly the best time to catch free organic nutrients. Like maple syrup farmers drain the trees of sap in fall as they drop their nutrients back to the roots. Thats all maple syrup is.
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    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    During the fall season plants and the soil composition are dying off for the year. The pretty color changes of the leaves people like to look at in trees are the chemical compounds being delivered back from the solar panels (leaves) into the vascular system and eventually to the roots for winter...
  13. M

    Who says smoothies are just for humans?

    Hello all. Are you making smoothies? Recycling all the leftovers of veggies and beneficial plants, nutrient rich colored leaves dropping off trees for the season, castings, saprophytic and lignin digesting fungi?
  14. M

    Living Soil

    If your recycling the soil you want to fruit some fungi and cover crop through your bin before reusing . And all plastic isn't just plastic. Leaching of distillates via the plastic can break down into your soil. At no high levels over the course of a single grow but depending on the container...
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    Living Soil

    3 months is better as the reproduction rate of chemicals to microbes takes about this much time for a few healthy life cycle adaptations but setting up a month in advance will help as long as your using previously made correct compost, castings and natural forest floor amendments.
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    Living Soil

    Building the soil for a month before planting keeps a lot of these problems off the table
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    Living Soil

    "Disturbing" the mycelium is basically the same as low stress training a plant. You may hit a speed bump but your not going to kill t if you do things right. A thick fluffy top dressing\/cover crop - and or both is key. If your surface goes too low humidity/field capacity of your top layer...