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  1. B

    Way too many contradictions in this hobby.

    Well articulated
  2. B

    Folier spray with epsom salt?

    Update all new growth is green lesson learned , luckily im in veg still
  3. B

    Folier spray with epsom salt?

    I dont think it does rinse right off it got absorbed either that or its a massive coincidence
  4. B

    Folier spray with epsom salt?

    I had some yellowing lower leaves and i thought since my ph was good and its getting plenty of nitrogen that it might be mag..also i just wanted to see how they reacted ...i didnt think it would hurt if it wasnt mag def so i did it anyway at too high a dose though whoops.. Why do you add...
  5. B

    Folier spray with epsom salt?

    Yeah its not , it says on the back can be used as fertiliser also
  6. B

    Folier spray with epsom salt?

    I sprayed at dusk its an outside plant , yeah i way over did it lol....ill check what type i have pretty sure its just epsom though ...thanks alot for the reply ill use that ratio if i ever use it again
  7. B

    Folier spray with epsom salt?

    Can folier spray with epsom salt at to high of concentration cause calcium lockout...i used 1+ 1/2 tbsps in a litre between 5 plants and two have slightly burnt and yellow new growth ...i assumed folier wouldnt matter so much and misread tbs tsp
  8. B

    Growing seems so simple.

    Yeah i get that , someone says that exact thing everytime its speculation was its outgrowing its roots and not actually deprived of nitrogen , a lagging indicator . My theorising was for vegging plants mostly
  9. B

    Growing seems so simple.

    Wouldnt like to say mate im a noob the day seems a bit drastic though...yet i have read its normal near harvest .
  10. B

    Growing seems so simple.

    I agree but like a fire adding logs slowly makes for a better burn lower leaves need to go anyway and it just seems to me a sweetspot of dangling a carrot...all just opinion though
  11. B

    Growing seems so simple.

    Could it not be that you want a few yellow leaves? if its using that nitrogen its growing well and is a sign everything is working with no excess ...much like fasting our bodies cannabilise unhealthy cells for fuel and wastes no energy digesting food ...same with watering and everything...