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  1. B

    When is the earliest signs of sex come into play?

    well i got six plants and they are 4 1/2 weeks old, is that too earlier to be showing signs of sex?
  2. B

    When is the earliest signs of sex come into play?

    When is the earliest that my plants will show their sex? Do they usually show during flowering or is there any way that they will show during veg.? I need some advice on this and what is the best way to tell the difference between male and female?
  3. B

    Good Question for those looking to post

    i have never done that before. what are the uses of hash?
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    Good Question for those looking to post

    how would you go about that and is it good or bad?
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    Good Question for those looking to post

    Well, if you have male plants and you don't necessarily throw them away. What are some other things that they could be of use for? Can you still smoke them or why is it that every wants to get rid of them. I understand separating them from the females becasue they will pollinate and make seeds...
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    Whats the best?

    well, i have a 4 ft by 3 ft closet. next to a window with a folding door. walls painted white. i really don't want to spend any money except on the light. in total i do not want to spend more than $200. everything else i can either build or make here at home. but i just wanted an opinion an old...
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    Whats the best?

    That would be great but unfortunately that's not always the case. what if you were trying to keep things on the low? and cheap
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    New pics of some plants....advice?

    This is my first grow every and i really did know much about it to begin with but wanted to save money... i was just going on how to grow tobacco but that obviously is different which i am finding out.
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    New pics of some plants....advice?

    Alright, there are two that are really doing well still but i got one that looks like it is need of something real bad. i made the mistake of giving them this root strenthener and i think they might have nute burn because it was not meant for this type of plant and i fucked up but i'm letting...
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    Whats the best?

    Well I have a serious of questions and I wanted to get different opinions on them. Well here's the first What is the best grow room set up according to you? Start with the light, go to the walls and then the pots? soil or rockwool? Next What is the best form of growing? Do you prefer nutes...
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    New pics of some plants....advice?

    This is my first grow and it started out strong but now they are leveling out and not growing as fast as they were. i will keep you guys updated for more information along the way.
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    New pics of some plants....advice?

    ok, thanks for the advice. i will probably repot them tonight and cut back on the watering. three of the plants seem to be doing really well but two are kinda dwindline out. i will make some changes tonight. anything else?
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    New pics of some plants....advice?

    i'm using a t12 6500k daylight flourescent and i have it about an inch and a half above the plants i did have it about 3 or 4 inches to start but moved it down like two days ago. there is only one plant that i have a problem with but it keeps growing, the only problem it has a yellow lining on...
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    New pics of some plants....advice?

    oh yea, where did you get your nutrients?
  15. B

    New pics of some plants....advice?

    ok well, that makes me feel a lot better, i was worried about. i'll cut back on watering them. i was gonna try to do without nutrients but if it helps the situation then i might have to. but thanx for the info, i will keep you posted on how they do.
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    New pics of some plants....advice?

    sorry abou that. my friend over here is a dummy and likes to start stuff. anywayz, back to what i was trying to do in the first place. im completely new to this and was trying to get some help on what the problem and some advice on if im doing good or not? i've doing research, i just wanted to...
  17. B

    New pics of some plants....advice?

    i thought that you were supposed to top the plants until they started to flower? why would i top it at three nodes? and yea you can tell what they are when they start to sprout. i probably have a hybrid because it's showing signs of both i need advice from somone that knows what they are talking...
  18. B

    New pics of some plants....advice?

    set up is three t12 6500k daylight bulbs. white walls, fan for circulation. these plants are about three weeks old. just wanted to know some general info on them. what kind are they, sativa or indica? and do they look alright and any suggestions on how to make them better. the soil is miracle...
  19. B

    Help me out

    i went and changed the lights to three 6500k t12s. they matched the set up i already had and they seem to have grown since then and it's only been a day. they are much bigger now but two of them i have problems with. One seems to have stopped growing and is staying relatively small and the...
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    Help me out

    anyone gonna help me out?