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  1. S

    Bloom stage

    It's only a first grow to learn as I grow i wasn't really expecting much from it just wanted to make it to some kind of harvest and not have it die to learn for when I have the proper lights and fans. cheers for reply
  2. S

    Bloom stage

    It's a sour diesel autoflower sorry I forgot to mention haha it seems pretty healthy
  3. S

    Bloom stage

    Using one of them shitty big blurple lights for growing gonna get a new light for my next grow. been feeding about 3ml of top max and 3ml of biobizz bloom the problem is i only have an idea what week they are in it could be led then 4 weeks could the lighting be the problem
  4. S

    Bloom stage

    Roughly about 4 weeks into flower. When should these buds start swelling up. Thanks you
  5. S

    Sour diesel autoflower

    Not really to worried about the quality of the smoke just as to actually harvest something. and not have it die on me it's my first plant the plan is to upgrade as I go it's my first plant so is the 3 bladed leafs ok for now. is it still gonna bud aha thanks for reply
  6. S

    Sour diesel autoflower

    And then the leafs point straight up again for no apparent reason and then back down again later hmmm
  7. S

    Sour diesel autoflower

    I know I have heard a lot of bad things about autos. I'm planning to run photos for my next grow autos sounded a lot easier haha
  8. S

    Sour diesel autoflower

    Is it normal for the new last few sets of leafs to be growing only 3 fingers. and serrated edges keep pointing up on new growth the lights not to close around 1 ft I'm also running out of space. I'm leaning towards temperature stress was wondering what you lots opinion is temps range from 20 to...
  9. S

    Tips/advice first grow autoflower

    I haven't used the biobizz grow since it was a few weeks old and when I started seeing white hairs.
  10. S

    Tips/advice first grow autoflower

    Alright awesome cheers will do. and yes Its biobizz top max and biobizz grow and bloom
  11. S

    Tips/advice first grow autoflower

    And I'd say about 500mls per watering.
  12. S

    Tips/advice first grow autoflower

    I don't have any thing that measures out in mls at the moment so I have just been adding a drop or 2 of bio bloom and top max every few litres of feed but being careful not to overdo it and it's every 3/4 days depending how dry the top of the soil looks
  13. S

    Tips/advice first grow autoflower

    The thing is is when I had it a little closer the serated edges seemed to curl up a little. and slight tacoing it couldn't have been tho could have just been praying. 100% just freaking out I'm gonna do something wrong haha I will move them closer and see if it does it again in a few days...
  14. S

    Tips/advice first grow autoflower

    It reads just a little over 1 ft I will get on moving it a little closer. cheers bud
  15. S

    Tips/advice first grow autoflower

    Hey what's up guys this is my first plant she is an autoflower plant. strain is sour diesel just looking for any tips really and if I have overlooked any problem on my plant I know she's a bit stretchy aha also is it any worry for one of the pre flower leafs to curl a little like that or am I...
  16. S

    Start of nute burn or something els

    Its on 18/6 its only a small light enough for about 1 square foot I reckon. it says 1000w I'm sure it's gotta be because I kept messing with the distance then. it was about 1 metre away could have been more at one point will those older leaves just die of then is it nothing to worry about.thank you
  17. S

    Start of nute burn or something els

    Its just a shitty budget one says full spectrum on the box purpley light from Amazon. could it be I kept messing around with the light distance from the canopy I plan on getting a better light next week I have it in a small grow tent with a fan and dehumidifier
  18. S

    Start of nute burn or something els

    Thank you for the reply but over all does it look fairly healthy for an auto I know I have seen some monsters tho. and is the spacing caused by not enough light and bad temps ect and what would you do with it to correct I'm not to concerned about how the plant looks just more as to make it to...
  19. S

    Start of nute burn or something els

    Hi guys new grower here I have a sour diesel autoflower it's at about 4 and a half weeks it's just gone into flower a few days ago but I have noticed slight browning at the tip of one of the oldest leafs just wondered what you guys thought as I have no idea thank you in advance it's in biobizz...