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  1. B

    first timer

    i got a few questions that maybe some of yall can help me with....ive grown inside before...never outside here are my Q's 1. do i need to germinated the seed before planting, or can i plant the seed right into the ground? 2. what else do i do i just plant it in the ground and wait? do i need...
  2. B


    i will do that in a month or so but right now theres snow everywhere right now its there certain seeds that i cant grow outside? cuz i have a bunch of jack seeds and its high grade shit so i dunno if it needs to be pampered or what
  3. B

    stank? bad, if i have a fan going, and its a pretty huge closet, like 20 feet in length
  4. B


    just a quick question......i live at home with my mom, and i have a big ass walk in closet that ive decided to grow 2 plants in....i know they wont smell till flowering. but do you think 2 plants will emit a powerful enough smell for my mom to notice something? thanks in advance
  5. B

    new seedling

    im just concerend about the seed, cause when putting into the pot i dropped it from pretty high and it fell in like dog hair and shit hopefully i didnt fuck up the tap root or some sshit
  6. B

    new seedling

    lol i dunno im new to this, and i looked at a lot of pics and most of the people at day 1 have popped out of the ground....unless theyre clones
  7. B

    new seedling

    really? i thought most of the time it pops out of the ground the next day
  8. B

    new seedling

    how long after i plant a germinated seed should i consider it not growing and dead?
  9. B

    different pot?

    too late lol...anyways the new seeds are some nice jack
  10. B

    different pot?

    thanks a lot man......i think im going to restart my grow, and trash my existing 2 plants. one of them is healthy but growing very slow, and the other has an evident phospherous deficiency, purple under the leaves, yellow spots they are 2 weeks old and just starting to grow the second set of...
  11. B

    different pot?

    cool thanks for the quick response, i got another question are you not suppose to pack the soil in the pot because i packed it pretty tight and the plants are growing quite slow, maybe the roots are having trouble growing it the tight soil?
  12. B

    different pot?

    whats the point in growing in a small pot the transplanting it into another? can i just plant it in the pot that i wnat to finnish in?