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    Are these ready for harvest?

    I have been fighting mold in the east coast but will let them go three weeks more thanks
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    Are these ready for harvest?

    They are about 9 weeks and seem to keep pushing out white hairs. Some buds are fully brown hairs all curled in.
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    How do they look? Week 2 flower

    I’ll definitely check that out for my next grow. I’ve already bought FFOF for it though
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    How do they look? Week 2 flower

    Blackgold organic soil +peat moss. Using FF big bloom
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    How do they look? Week 2 flower

    I lowered it after I noticed but it was only a week ago so I was too late. The nodes are much closer together now so I think I have it?
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    How do they look? Week 2 flower

    So each watering I need 20 percent to come out as run off? Or am I misunderstanding
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    How do they look? Week 2 flower

    They were pollinated by a neighbor and we had blue dream and girl scout that year so it’s a cross between one of two and I think Girl Scout but idk yet.
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    How do they look? Week 2 flower

    Wow I didn’t know about pulling them off the ground and I do have very little run off but couldn’t figure it out thanks! I’ll clean my tent up rn.
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    How do they look? Week 2 flower

    Sorry I’m awful at pictures and I just watered probably an hr before so they’re dropping a bit
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    How do they look? Week 2 flower

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    Is this male?

    How do my roots look lol? 8 weeks old
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    Is this male?

    Lots of little clusters of what look to be seeds but I’m not sure
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    Took some bad advice and topped during week 1 of 12/12

    Awesome thanks I appreciate it a lot! I was kinda bummed after doing research haha.
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    Took some bad advice and topped during week 1 of 12/12

    Thanks for the reply that’s a huge relief. These seeds seem to bounce back from topping so that’s really good news. I’ve topped 3 times but they really wanna go haha.
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    Took some bad advice and topped during week 1 of 12/12

    This is my first grow and my plants were lanky from stretching. I topped them how screwed am I? Pics from before topping