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  1. hobzz420

    how many plants do you have under how much light?

    I have two under a 400w HPS
  2. hobzz420

    Power Outage for a day and a half!

    LOL... ya you better be sure I'm calling next month when I see the payment going out! Thanks for the compliment on the plants. This is my 1st grow and it's bag seed. I wanted to test the waters before buying some good seeds.
  3. hobzz420

    Power Outage for a day and a half!

    Thanks for the responses guys! I'm hoping they wont Hermie on me but we'll see in a couple of days or more if they did. So far everything looks good but i think it's to soon to tell if they will or not.
  4. hobzz420

    What State is the Best State to Grow In?

    I second that for sure! Cali all the way. :bigjoint:
  5. hobzz420

    Power Outage for a day and a half!

    Well the totally shitty happened yesterday! When I got home from work I noticed that I had no power at my place! The F@$%ing power companys' system said they didn't receive a payment even though my bank shows a payment going through to them. So after getting that finalized with them they said...
  6. hobzz420

    !!!!!!!!i have found elderado!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hell ya man I say spark one up at the grave site. I have a few friends that get together whenever we can and go to one of our old smoking buddies graves on the anniversary of his death. We know that he is with us in spirit when we are there and we know that he would be pissed if we didn't smoke...
  7. hobzz420

    !!!!!!!!i have found elderado!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well after all that I'm happy you found another spot! Too bad there are all those bums so close by...hopefully they wont stumble across your site. I'm sure they wont tho due to the good karma you earned by paying respects to the grave yard. I wish I was up there with you scouting out bomb...
  8. hobzz420

    !!!!!!!!i have found elderado!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hell ya dude!! That place you found sounds soooo cool. I can't wait to see some picks of your grow out there. And to answer your Q about how people find the rock... I think you hit it on the head about stoners just stumbling across it. I've always laughed about being drawn to stoners and...
  9. hobzz420

    !!!!!!!!i have found elderado!!!!!!!!!!!!

    DUDE that's a wicked cool story! I love stumbling on cool shit like that!!! I once took a camping trip out in the Sierra Nevads (Cali side) and came to a point known up there called the 3 sisters peaks. I decided to take a hike up to the top of one of the peaks and at the very summit of the...
  10. hobzz420

    Topping My Plants

    I can't say if it will affect potency or not because I normally let them grow el'natural and this is my 1st time trying out his method. Uncle Ben claims it wont and he gives a pretty good explanation as to why it wont. Only time will tell I guess. Good luck on your adventure and I hope your...
  11. hobzz420

    Topping My Plants

    Hey there Strawberry Kush I recently topped my plants I went by Uncle Ben's advice I found here >> I did one of the plants with two colas and the other one I topped to have 4 main colas. So far...
  12. hobzz420

    distance from the light..

    No bro I wasn't trying to imply that you were dumb or your response was dumb =) Just trying to help a fellow stoner out. Peace in love & ganja!!!
  13. hobzz420

    distance from the light..

    Being a noob to the forums and not also having a lot of growing experience im sure there are more qualified people on here to answer your question but so far I have learned the best distance for your lights is to hold your hand under the light at the top of your plants for a minute. See if your...
  14. hobzz420

    Miracle Grow Question

    I'm using MG moisture control also but i've done 50% MS, 25% Perlite and 25% Vermiculite mix. I like it so far but as Muaysmoke has stated don't over water with it. Below is a shot of one of my ladies at aout 4 weeks in the soil mix I mentioned above. I think she looks good but this is my 1st...
  15. hobzz420

    How to Turn a PC Fan into an Exhaust or Intake Fan?

    Ya you can wire multiple fans up to your power adapter. I have two wired to one right now.
  16. hobzz420

    food dye and marijuana?

    my question is though, why ruin a perfectly good thing?
  17. hobzz420

    Asshole Stoner... Stuffed Cat Inside Bong

    I totally agree ^^ sad but kinda funny at the same time and D4rken pointed out another great example of a medicinal use of MJ :clap:
  18. hobzz420

    Light socket to AC Plug

    Ya home depot has the reflector and the adapter to AC plug in. I bought a few from them last weekend. I think I paid just over $5 for them. The Home Depot by me has them right by the CFL's.
  19. hobzz420

    Closet grow heat issues!

    Well.... I finally got it all figured out. As a first timer AKA n00b to all this I've been learning a ton. Ventilation and air flow are It sounds like an obvious statement but sometimes it's not so obvious to see why something isn't working like it you think it should. Temps are...
  20. hobzz420

    What's your favorite StOneR food?

    Mexican pizza from Taco Bell followed up by a bag of double stuffed Oreos and a HUGE glass of whole milk.