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  1. A

    Hi Guys

    Yea in the end i decided to not cut it, she seems to be doing better as days go by so i have faith she can make it.
  2. A

    Hi Guys

    So far most recommend to leave it alone, im considering to just start another seed just to have to feeling of having 3 good plants. Who knows maybe this one bounces back...
  3. A

    Hi Guys

    That was indeed the post i made, potentially could be removed now i guess by an admin. At the time i could not view it in the category's thread list. Since it has been about been a few days without much progression, i'm actually considering to cut top part of as "go go Kid" suggested. As i...
  4. A

    Hi Guys

    What do you mean with the green part, the red circle or blue circle on this picture? I had them indoors the very first days (with not enough light) but they are outdoors now and doing much better. For soil im planning to use standard cheap compost garden soil with "Easy Boost" organic...
  5. A

    Hi Guys

    I think because im a new user to these forums, my post in the "problems" section is blacklisted or hidden. The problem with one of my plants is that i germinated them in cotton pads, sadly one of them had it seed shell ripped off on the third day when checking up on them... It was basically a...
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    Hi Guys

    Hi guys im new to the forums More than 10 years ago i have sucesfully grown outdoor two times but recently got back into growing again. I fell in love with the autoflower types that are much better for climates that dont have long and strong summer. Too bad im having a problem with 1 of them...
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    Problem with auto flower seedling

    Hi all. I'm a newbie grower who did have outdoor plants in the past, but never started them from the seeds myself. Started with 3 autoflower seeds in damp cotton and am having a problem with 1 of them. The other 2 are Easy Bud type are seem to be doing fine, the third one Royal Bluematic is...