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  1. DaWaVyGrAvY

    Had to move grow in a hurry.... Ghetto Grow

    **Sorry about the Quality of the new pictures, they were taken with my Womens crappy camera, will update with better pictures soon, just wanted to get an update up. Had a run in with the landlord this morning, had an hour to get everything moved to a different location in my place... was...
  2. DaWaVyGrAvY

    I just realized how Spiced apple cider..

    I just realized how a little bit of Spiced apple cider in your water pipe can make even the worst marijuana taste pretty good!! Cheers!, DaWaVyGrAvY
  3. DaWaVyGrAvY

    Ghetto Grow, Update 3 *new Pictures

    Hey thanks Mr. Red, Yea it seems like everytime i move my lights any closer, my plants just start to look depressed..
  4. DaWaVyGrAvY

    Music while growing

    i play my plants "eye of the tiger", to give them a little incentive ;)
  5. DaWaVyGrAvY

    How do these look? Day 9 Auto AK

    they look alittle depressed, they need something... i'm not expert tho but maybe get your lights closer, how much are you watering?
  6. DaWaVyGrAvY

    Ghetto Grow, Update 3 *new Pictures

    No they are not there in one large container, with a seperation in the middle, thanks man!
  7. DaWaVyGrAvY

    Ghetto Grow, Update 3 *new Pictures

    This is just another update of my Ghetto grow not expecting anything just doing this for fun.. don't hate on me to hard lol let me know what ya think :)
  8. DaWaVyGrAvY

    first time Ghetto Grow, New Pictures

    Hey thanks man, yea thats probably a good idea, i'm probably gonna just try and put a divider in there instead of replanting, i'm pretty sure what i have them in now is more then enough room but what do i know lol....Cheers
  9. DaWaVyGrAvY

    first time Ghetto Grow, New Pictures

    Hey thanks man, but what do you mean by glass on glass setup...?
  10. DaWaVyGrAvY

    first time Ghetto Grow, New Pictures

    Ghetto Grow, first time, not expecting anything don't hate on me to much :) cheers
  11. DaWaVyGrAvY

    Ghetto First time grow, not expecting anything

    Hey man thanks, i did just that i removed the protective plastic on the tubes.. i'll get more pictures when they wake up lol
  12. DaWaVyGrAvY

    First time CFL grow, just for fun not expecting much.

    Hey thanks man, yea i grew them from seeds i got from a couple of random nug bags, unknown strains. I just lowered my lamps so hopefully it will be even better.. Cheers!
  13. DaWaVyGrAvY

    First time CFL grow, just for fun not expecting much.

    haha thanks man, um i believe the 2 are 45 watts, and then the little one coming out of the ground don't know if you noticed that CFL lol is um a 23 watt... and the Tubes i don't remember there not labeled but there for plant growth... Cheers man
  14. DaWaVyGrAvY

    First time CFL grow, just for fun not expecting much.

    Don't hate on me to hard, just doing this for fun, not expecting anything..
  15. DaWaVyGrAvY

    Wow, thanks man.. Cheers

    Wow, thanks man.. Cheers
  16. DaWaVyGrAvY

    Ghetto First time grow, not expecting anything

    Don't hate on me to much, this is really just 4 fun not really expecting anything, these guys are 3 weeks old so ... yea