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  1. 4

    Small fungus gnat problem.

    I thought the same thing but always good to make sure and I'll take your advice and run with it , not an infestation yet but better to attack early before shit hits the fan lol
  2. 4

    Small fungus gnat problem.

    So everything sounds awesome but what about the perlite as I'm in happy frog and not coco?
  3. 4

    Small fungus gnat problem.

    Can I feed seedlings bti mosquito bit tea? What is your guys opinion on this kind of thing? I have placed dte on top layer and sprayed outside of pots with 4-1 ratio of 3% peroxide in a fogger and killed a few instantly.
  4. 4

    pH adjusting in completely organic grows will kill your plants!!!

    I run happy frog amendments with recharge so pretty similar and your exactly right I have to go to ro water because my tap water here is absolute shit , so the well water must be a hell of a lot more pure there city style tap water! But if you ever move to densely populated city do ro water no...
  5. 4

    pH adjusting in completely organic grows will kill your plants!!!

    I had everything going great for some yrs tried phing and everything went to hell and it was simply because I was using ro water and dry amendments only , are you using ro water if not this is probably why it's working out as I just found out a month back that you can't pH ro without a crazy...
  6. 4

    pH adjusting in completely organic grows will kill your plants!!!

    Sidenote this post is for people using highly filtered water if your not start filtering and stop phing unless your doing a complete bottle nutrient setup
  7. 4

    pH adjusting in completely organic grows will kill your plants!!!

    Posted this to give my two cents on phing in organic grows. Never had problems except my last run where I was phing with a citric acid organic pH down. These compounds will ruin plants by locking them out from the organics when growing in soil!!! Dolomite lime on your soil mix homemade or pre...
  8. 4

    What have I done!! Defoliated my autoflower! Help

    Lastly bubble your water or used filtered/ro water
  9. 4

    What have I done!! Defoliated my autoflower! Help

    Me personally I would invest in recharge or great white or mycos it will help you recover from these mishaps and I only defoliate the single and three finger leaves initially and let everything else stay until plant is developing buds , the other posts that folks made are great tips as well
  10. 4

    Clover mites ?!?

    Ps kill those bastards in your free time for safe measure or else you'll eventually have to do what I did!!!! Outside there easy just nuke them with whatever but as far as inside the grow obviously only organic and before flower ya know
  11. 4

    Clover mites ?!?

    Same here and have been watching all day, I only found that one smashed , Ive looked under the leaves containers tent and nothing to be found so I think I lucked out, but I went hammertime on ipm , shampooed and vacuumed carpets put dte in the vacume, sprayed toxic pesticides on foundation of...
  12. 4

    Clover mites ?!?

    Perfect have a micro mister already so I will definitely put that in play and I'm still going with y'all's advice but does dte do anything for pest control?
  13. 4

    Clover mites ?!?

    Thx to all the responses and I will order that asap shampooed carpets and vacuumed wiped everything down with peppermint and went all throughout the house in every crevice with dte puffer and scratched dte into the soil , I have a feeling it was a straggler but taking no chances!!! These fuckers...
  14. 4

    Clover mites ?!?

    Damn was afraid to hear this but I will be doing this asap no need to lose the plants.....
  15. 4

    Clover mites ?!?

    New grower here , I found a clover mite that is bright red and crawled fast.... Smashed him and couldn't find any others. I wiped tent with peppermint and scratched a small amount of dte in the top of the soil. Is this a major problem or could it become one?
  16. 4

    Clover mites!?!

    New grower here , I found a clover mite that is bright red and crawled fast.... Smashed him and couldn't find any others. I wiped tent with peppermint and scratched a small amount of dte in the top of the soil. Is this a major problem or could it become one?