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  1. G

    When can i start Nutrients again?

    Ahhh. Makes sense. I use hot soil in general. First 4-5 weeks EC is above 2.8 just from the soil itself. After it’s been depleted down to 2.0, I start additional feeding 2X per week to maintain.
  2. G

    When can i start Nutrients again?

    My plants starve at anything under 1.4 EC LOL. I try to maintain 1.8-2.4 through the entire grow.
  3. G

    Should I transplant these?

    I transplant from starter pots directly to final pot (4-10gal depending). I've experimented doing multiple transplants to final pots, and there was zero difference.
  4. G

    When can i start Nutrients again?

    Agreed. I germinate anywhere between 58-70F. When they sprout, they see anywhere from 64-75F, and 50-65% RH. Never had issues. Seedling starter mix, small starter pots, light water each day for 2-3 weeks. Done.
  5. G

    Soil pH

    What nutrients are you using?
  6. G

    Would you harvest now?

    Try using a hygrometer or 2 next time you dry/jar.
  7. G


    I don't "FLUSH", but I do water only for the last 10-14 days before chop chop...... No need to waste $ on more nutrients, when it won't make dick of a difference at that stage. My EC is still usually around .9-1.2 at chop time anyway.
  8. G

    Are these ready?

    How many days from sprout? My indoor photos are always ready between 105-120 days from sprout. Usually flipped to 12/12 between week 4-6 (from sprout)
  9. G


    I run 3 KS-5000's now. It blows my mind how well they are built/designed and perform. The efficiency and end product is better than any other fixture I've ran. This includes overpriced big name and over marketed fixtures as well that I have now sold off. I've pulled 22oz dried to 58% RH out...
  10. G

    Plucking before trimming

    Snip the larger stemmed leaves off from the stalks. Leave everything else. I used to wet trim. I dry/hybrid trim now. Buds taste better, smell better, smoke better, yield a bit more, and look better.
  11. G

    Curing & drying

    Buds SHOULD feel crispy when dried long enough. Not "crumbling apart" crispy, but very dry and stiff. There's still moisture in the core of the bud. My perfect dry sessions show bud sitting at 55% RH in the first 4 hours in the jars, then the RH slowly rises as the internal moisture...
  12. G

    Would you harvest now?

    You're not drying long enough I bet. If the RH in the jar is higher than 62% 24 hours after jarring the product, it still contains too much internal moisture. Drying is like flowering. If you're unsure if its dry enough, let it go an extra day or 2. 50% of growers fail to dry long enough...
  13. G

    Drying and curing

    Yep. I agree. Curing and excessive burping is an excuse for not drying to near perfection IMO. I will say, I do believe a week or 2 in jars can potentially equalize any moisture pockets and smells throughout the product, but I’ve yet to see it actually IMPROVE the product as it’s consumed.
  14. G

    Drying and curing

    Over the past 2 years, I've done METHODICAL testing on drying. The best product comes from drying perfectly to the point that no "cure" is even absolutely even needed, or hardly proves ANY benefit. Target is close to 55% when jarred for the first 2-4 hours, then moisture from inside the core...
  15. G

    How many days a week should I feed my plants nutrients in soil during veg stage?

    So many variables. Hot (Enriched,ammended etc) soil + BIG pot = Long time without any additional nutrients needed. All my plants go 4-6 weeks before external nutrients are needed (from sprout), in 3 gallon pots when using FFOF, or Coast of Maine Stonington blend. In 7 gallon pots, they...
  16. G

    Will lots of ice cool my room enough?

    uh yeah.. 4 days isn't going to change the outcome of your product. 14 days, very possible.
  17. G

    Best location for exhaust?

    If you have proper air circulation with breeze fan(s) inside, it really doesn't matter where the exhaust exits. The air is being mixed/swirled anyway. I've tested and taken data trying top and bottom with exhaust fans. CO2, RH, and temperature always stayed within 1% of each orientation...
  18. G

    First time tent grow issues help needed ,,,,....

    These are 6 weeks from sprout in FFOF. 2 gallon pots no added nutrients. I always get 5-7 weeks before adding nutrients in 2-3 gallon pots. It’s a pretty hot soil. It will fry seeds/seedlings occasionally if you don’t add some seedling starter mix in the center of the pots.
  19. G

    Am i looking okay for day 15

    Absolutely. Merry Christmas!
  20. G

    help! painted room vapors killing plants! what to do?

    Sounds strange. You'd have to have a pretty high VOC level for the plants to be affected. Did you crack any windows open? Latex or oil based paint?