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  1. Nunstalker

    Hydrogen Water

    the only thing i would be seriously concerned about would be the ph spike i mean im not gunna go out and spend money on a system to add hydrogen to my water , but it is certainly something to read into more
  2. Nunstalker

    Hydrogen Water

    Has anyone ever used hydrogen activated water for a grow? I came across this going down a rabbit hole of grow research , and wonder if anyone has any thoughts
  3. Nunstalker


    Like the heading says , im toying with the idea of getting the UV supplemental light bars for my 4x4 tent , has anyone run these and are they worth it? I am runnin the AC IONBEAM6 ,with the UIS controller as well , i have one slot left on the controller and i want to supplement lighting with it
  4. Nunstalker

    AC Infinity tips

    you can but the splitter only allows you to use the same setting for all the devices plugged into it
  5. Nunstalker

    Win INKBIRD WiFi Digital Temperature Controller on This Thread

    A1 , im an ex chef who loves to cook at home , and ive been wanting to get a sous vide forever
  6. Nunstalker

    Slow Auto Seedling Growth

    Well they seem to be doing something , the spaghetti one is still weak but its growing foliage, im just gunna keep giving nothing but water when needed and hope for the best
  7. Nunstalker

    Slow Auto Seedling Growth

    thank you so much i really appreciate it! I have been building up the soil around the stem a little and she seems really flimsy , but the leaves are starting to grow super fast . These are my first autos so im perhaps being over paranoid
  8. Nunstalker

    Slow Auto Seedling Growth

    i was hoping thats the case , they look well enough and not sick at all
  9. Nunstalker

    Slow Auto Seedling Growth

    i started them in peat pods , i may have transplanted a little early
  10. Nunstalker

    Slow Auto Seedling Growth

    Happy Friday Everyone! So my 2 autos in one pot experiment is going ok so far , the seedlings seem to be growing pretty slow, im just hoping the roots are doing their thing and im being paranoid. Was wondering if anyone had any experience with blurple grows and how far i should be keeping the...
  11. Nunstalker

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    i did exactly what you laid out , but i also added 2 cups of fir bark as well , im hoping the acidity helps out with the nearly 8ph i have running outta my tap . Im trying 2 autos in a 10 gallon pot indoors over the winter for shits n gigs , heheh was almost considering using your piss method ...
  12. Nunstalker

    Jocelyns potting soil

    I came across this stuff through a rabbit hole i was on , was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this . I plan on poppin a few autos over the winter and was hoping someone had some input
  13. Nunstalker

    Late to the journal party !

    well here she is after i trimmed away the burned parts , she seems to be swelling up nicely , no real damage done (i hope) water every 2 days mega crop 2 grams /L every second watering and once a week with banana tea ....temps have been pretty wonky this summer but its cooling down now i was...
  14. Nunstalker

    Which soils to use?

    girl scout pebbles in dollar store soil , bought for 1.50 cdn
  15. Nunstalker

    HELP I went on vacation for 7 days and my tie down came loose and burned my cola and sugars

    i was actually thinking that , i trimmed away all the dead shit , and snipped all the dead bud away ill give it a few days and see what happens and if nothing reveg it is, this genetic is far too nice to lose
  16. Nunstalker

    HELP I went on vacation for 7 days and my tie down came loose and burned my cola and sugars

    the title says it all , i am in tears right now , is there any way to save my girl?
  17. Nunstalker

    Late to the journal party !

    i wonder if i should just reveg her and take clippings , i really like this genetic
  18. Nunstalker

    Late to the journal party !

    Well i went away for 6 days on holidays , and the person i trusted to water my plants took it upon themselves to move my lights closer . Long story short i came home to dried brown sugar leaves on my colas ... i removed them , and am trying to revive her by a technique i read about called...