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  1. Eldoink

    24 hr Darkness b4 Harvest!

    dont forget to flush!
  2. Eldoink

    Auto-AK47vs.Diesel Ryder

    Auto ak is the best!!
  3. Eldoink

    Organic, stealth, CFL grow.

    those look great!! REP + !
  4. Eldoink

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    that thing looks delicious !!!!! make sure to give us a smoke report after curing .
  5. Eldoink

    Poppin My Own Cherry (eeewww)...LowLife Auto AK47

    i think their is no such thiing as a runt when you are dealing with autoflowering dwarfs. good luck i just started germinating my auto ak seeds myself
  6. Eldoink

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    ill trade you seeds when i pollinate
  7. Eldoink

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    nice buds man. I just got my auto ak 47 seeds , so did you just have 2 42 watters on 1 plant?
  8. Eldoink

    1ST Closet Grow ?'s

    this is a random bagseed started a couple of months never seemed to grow . i decided to chop her down smells fruity. :leaf: is their anything i can do with the frosty clippings ?
  9. Eldoink

    8 weeks old - 1st week of flowering

    that 5 gallon bucket should give the roots more than enough room to grow huge . you can start giving it veg. nutes .
  10. Eldoink

    1ST Closet Grow ?'s

    actually this is a seed i found in a qp of some bubba kush . im germinating 4 AUTOFLOWER AK 47. i just found evidence of sex .........SHES A GIRL!!!!!!!!
  11. Eldoink

    1ST Closet Grow ?'s

    better side view
  12. Eldoink

    1ST Closet Grow ?'s

    itabout a foot and 2-3 inches i keep the lights about 4 inches away.i just started giving it small doses of veg. nutes.
  13. Eldoink

    8 weeks old - 1st week of flowering

    it looks good. it hasn't shown signs of sex yet? i can't see any clear should show in a few days.
  14. Eldoink

    1ST Closet Grow ?'s

    these pictures are exactly 1 month after i germinated . I also just received my auto ak 47 seeds and put 4 to germinate.
  15. Eldoink

    First CFL Grow - Help appreciated

    hopefully it makes it in the wild
  16. Eldoink

    1ST Closet Grow ?'s

    cool thanks! they wont get shocked if I switch to 18/6 at this stage? im gonna get a good camera and post set up pictures. ive been taking these pictures with my PS3 camera & posting with it.
  17. Eldoink

    1ST Closet Grow ?'s

    oh yeah i forgot to mention that i started germinating these on 2/7/09 . they sprouted on 2/9 then i planted them in 3 gal. containers using FF Ocean Forest.and have been getting 24/0 since
  18. Eldoink

    1ST Closet Grow ?'s

    so far progress has been coming along nicely i took these pictures on 3/5/09 incredibly its already starting to smell every itme i open my closet!
  19. Eldoink

    how am i doing?

    its looking good. Can you see any sex traits?(pistils, pollen sack) How much light are you giving them? I asked a couple questions earlier but it seems everyone here is more interested in pointing out noobs. Your setup is coming along great. I'll keep an eye on your thread