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  1. S

    Hi Everyone + Advice for Newbs

    Aluminum creates hot spots and isn't as reflective
  2. S

    Advanced Nute Question!

    Think I answered my own question there..haha..because 0-5-4 +5-0-1 is 5-5-5 ..Thanks for the info Dooky
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    Advanced Nute Question!

    My florabloom npk is 0-5-4 and my micro is 5-0-1 is that still okay I just don't want to add way to much of one nutrient or the other
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    Advanced Nute Question!

    Hey everyone just have a quick question just picked up some cal-mag and some Advanced Nutrients Hammerhead PK 9/18 for my flowering cycle. I'm using the GH Flora series nutrients. Was just curious whether or not I'd add these addatives with the FloraBloom and FloraMicro or if I leave Bloom out...
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    Hi Everyone + Advice for Newbs

    Hi everyone new to posting but have been reading for a while and have gotten some great info from this site. I'm a little wary of pic posting though..Aren't you guys ,in the USA anyways ,a little nervous at all? Maybe I'm just paranoid.! Anyways I just wanna say thanks to anyone that ever posted...
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    Ambien did me Dirty

    I'd try taking some benedryll for allergies, that shit knocks me out