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  1. zoron

    White Spots

    if this means any thing, i do spray my plants with a water bottle every now and then with a fine mist. an after i posted this i went up to check on them and the i rubbed the spots off(first time i touched them in a while, i dont like touching them). so im assuming then that its a powdery...
  2. zoron

    White Spots

    I got some white spots on my plants, and the leaves that have the spots are starting to wilt a little. it mostly on the very top leaves and the bottom leaves. what im considering to what it might be is heat stress, or over ferting. any ideas?
  3. zoron

    sorry i dont know much about this site ether im pretty new to.

    sorry i dont know much about this site ether im pretty new to.
  4. zoron

    quick stupid question

    20/4 produced the most sturdy growth and the most bulk. Best final yield, taken as 100%. 22/2 Less of both. yield 88% 18/6 Studier than 22/2 but slightly less bulk. yield 87% 24/0 Much lighter in all aspects than 18/6. Yield 79% 16/8 The weediest plants. yield 67% sweet im all ready on 20/4...
  5. zoron

    quick stupid question

    im not really worried about time or the power bill, i just want some good plants. so it sounds like 18/6 will produce a bigger plant. annyone disagree?
  6. zoron

    quick stupid question

    What ratio should i have my lights on, so far the most common one i heard about is 20 hours on and 4 hours off. please post scientific reason if you know it.
  7. zoron

    question on soil

    LOL thats great the soil im using is coming from a swamp, very nut rich but smells even when its not in an oven. thanks for the help though.
  8. zoron

    need advice, seeds growing in rock wool

    did you soak the rock wool before the grow?
  9. zoron

    question on soil

    i am doing an indoor grow and its almost time for a transplant to a bigger pot. i was wondering though if i bring in soil from outside if can get bugs. i have some really nut rich soil so it would be awsome if i can.
  10. zoron

    Introducing 20/4 light period.

    i just did the same thing recently, if your worried about time just get one of these:
  11. zoron

    light bulb issues

    untill i can get some CFLs(my dumbass friend keeps forgeting to bring some for me) im depending on incandescent. yea i know there not the best and that tehy give off to much heat. but my question is how far away should i keep the bulb for them to get enough light but not give off to much...
  12. zoron

    Help, my babies are dieing!!!

    wow now i feel like a dumbass... well lol what can ya do.
  13. zoron

    Help, my babies are dieing!!!

    can anyone help Please?
  14. zoron

    Help, my babies are dieing!!!

    this is my first grow and, i have a almost two week old plants. they were healthy since last night when i noticed a brown spot on on of the first leaves( the round ones)on my tallest plant. so i raised the light thinking it was heat stress after checking here. well i woke up and he spot is the...
  15. zoron

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    is there a place can look at to figure out what kind of strain i have. the stuff im growing now i bought from a dealer and picked the seeds out. the stuff wasent half bad, but it smelled really musty. then the other stuff i have is grape flavored that my cousin mailed to me when he heard im...
  16. zoron

    veggie state help

    whoah dident notice at first. i looked at it and its exactly what i was looking for.
  17. zoron

    veggie state help

    what im asking i guess... is what size should i be aiming for, what should the leaves be doing, how thick should the stems be getting, stupid stuff like that.
  18. zoron

    veggie state help

    i just started growing and my tallest plant is 11cm. they just stoped growing(my friend said that would happen) and i give them 24 hours of light. but what my question is what should i expect to happen, and what do i need to look out for? allmost every guide i have seen goes from sprouts...