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  1. MassiveToke

    Ziplock Bags Good to Preserve Weed Once It Is Dry ?

    Is it good to put ur weed in a ziplock bag once it is dry to preserve it or would it make it mold?
  2. MassiveToke

    How to tell early stages between male and female ?

    Well I have it in my green house and I am not going to put lights by it. The sun is what it gets. Right now it is about two inchs tall and startiing to grow abit every day. Soon I hope it will be a nice big plant :lol: I will post some pics in about a week or two. Oh and should I water the plant...
  3. MassiveToke

    How to tell early stages between male and female ?

    Thanks for the info I got one plant and another in a other container if I dont get any females I will just Harvest the males and make some hash .
  4. MassiveToke

    How to tell early stages between male and female ?

    Well it has two clover like leafs and two marijuana leafs . Not sure what the clovers mean ? The plant is only like a inch tall tho.
  5. MassiveToke

    How to tell early stages between male and female ?

    I have a plant going and this is my first time not using feminized seeds, It just showed its first leafs, I was wondering how I tell if it is male or female ? And if it is male is it possible to change it into a female at a early stages of growth?
  6. MassiveToke


    No Co2 is not really harming to humans but carbon monoxide is. Just watch out for carbon monoxide it will kill u if u breath it in long enough . We let out co2 out of are body after we breath oxygen. We would all be sick if c02 was a harm to us .
  7. MassiveToke

    Are my plants ready for Harvest ?

    It gets dark around 8pm and the sun comes up at about 5:30 to 6 am .
  8. MassiveToke

    buying seeds

    Look at Marijuana , u can send direct cash or check or even use credit card. And there is a good selection of seeds to choose from .
  9. MassiveToke

    Are my plants ready for Harvest ?

    There is a pic if it is hard to tell I can get another pic .
  10. MassiveToke

    Are my plants ready for Harvest ?

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me if my plants are ready for harvest or how much longer I should wait ?
  11. MassiveToke

    Are my plants ready for Harvest ?

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me if my plants are ready for harvest or how much longer I should wait ?
  12. MassiveToke

    World Of Warcraft

    Watching the movie Half Baked is the best ! Nothing can beat Half Baked !
  13. MassiveToke

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone I hope I can learn a good amount of info on this site.