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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    i vegged till the plant was about 12 was a little over 4 weeks. Bro says the drying is clearing up. Going home this weekend so I'll be able to get some pics and actually see my plants.
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    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    I live in South Texas where I have to cross a Border check point almost weekly...I cross shit wrapped in electrical tape all the time. Small amounts only just a weekly stash but I've never had a problem. the other day i had a joint in my center console and the dog didn't even bark once or...
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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    thanks, will do...what exactly is he looking for in the roots? Right now I'm on week 5 of flowering and yeah its started when the plant went into flowering.
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    flowering and my plants drying up? HELP!

    I started this thread in another room I've been having some problems with my plant....please help here is a link to my thread if you want to see pics and read a little more into my problem. I'm seriously lost as to why this is happening....HELP PLEASE...
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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    my bro just called and said its still getting worse...I have him taking care of my plant while i'm finishing up school and he's getting worried. It started with drying a the bottom leaves, and now its spreading to all the leaves. He said even the bud looks like its yellowing and drying out...
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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    not do i check it? this is my first grow. I'm using a 1.5 gallon pot. Why are the leaves drying out and dying?
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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    The yellowing on the leaves has been getting worse and now they're drying up and its spreading to the other leaves. I've been using ff nuts so i don't think it some sort of deficiency. If anything I may have been over doing it. I'm gonna just give it phed water for a few days. Not sure whats...
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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    I am using a 400w hps
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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    last 2 pics...suggestion about the fungus gnats? I'm trying to avoid buying predator nematodes cause i've sunk enough money into this do you guys think the larvae are getting at my roots?
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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    I included some pics of some lower fan leaves...they've been drying out and yellowing. I've been battling fungus gnats but i wonder if they are to blame? I've been using neem oil to keep them away but it doesn't seem to stop the spotting and drying out. I think i might be giving too much nuts...
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    1st grow DP Brainstorm Feminized

    Whats up guys...this forum has been very informative and I decided to grow my own after reading pages and pages worth of grow journals. I have 1 feminized Brainstorm going right now it is 4 weeks into flowering. I'm using a 400w HPS and FF nuts.
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    aerogarden grow 1st time

    yeah the calibration solutions are in the mail...for the most part my meter had been working pretty well just freaks out whenever i put it in the aerogarden. here are some pics of my grow so far. in the first pic the one on the far left is the bag seedling that started to wilt when i was...
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    aerogarden grow 1st time

    dude its seriously frustrating...i keep reading how easy the aerogarden is supposed to be. hope someone can help, I'll post some pics of my plants later. 1 of the bad seed plants started to lean hard so i cleaned out the res. and tried phing but once i placed the machine back on its mount...
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    aerogarden grow 1st time

    I've just started my first aerogarden grow with 1 red diesel and 4 bag seeds. I've been having a hell of a time with the ph on this thing. I can basically add as much ph up as i want and my meters keep reading 3 and below sometimes it reads down to 0. whats going on? anyone have some info on...