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  1. Jmoney0523

    Leaves turning dark purple almost black looking

    So I know certain things cause the leaves to turn purple but I have never seen them turn this dark before. This is an Indica plant on week seven of flowering so it’s almost done. The Trish are half milky, white, and some turning Amber so it’s only got a little bit left to go. I’m just curious...
  2. Jmoney0523

    What’s wrong with my sativa plant!!

    My last grow, I kind of mess around with different nutrients. But this grow I used TPS starter kit and went by the guide that they gave me on the back of the box. I’ll try to attach a picture. But it breaks it down week by week.
  3. Jmoney0523

    What’s wrong with my sativa plant!!

    Yeah, I only recently put the compost on top because overtime the soil loses the nutrients. But no, I use different mediums, every grow.
  4. Jmoney0523

    What do you think

    Waiting till the trichromes turn amber
  5. Jmoney0523

    What do you think

    Yes but they are also a more accurate way to make sure you harvest at its peak potency. I usually wait till at least half of them turn amber
  6. Jmoney0523

    What do you think

    I go by the trichs color
  7. Jmoney0523

    What’s wrong with my sativa plant!!

    I’m in week 7 now. Almost all the leaves are yellow now. Idk I can’t figure it out.
  8. Jmoney0523

    What’s wrong with my sativa plant!!

    It’s getting plenty of phosphorus
  9. Jmoney0523

    What do you think

    Not sure the strain, but I’m loving the looks of this indica plant. Week 7 of flowering, starting to see some amber trichs so she’s about ready! What do y’all think? This is my 4th grow.
  10. Jmoney0523

    What’s wrong with my sativa plant!!

    I also use blackstrap unsulphered molasses 15 ml per gal
  11. Jmoney0523

    What’s wrong with my sativa plant!!

    Using soil, coco coir, with worm castings and compost manure on top. I’m using a Vivo sun vs2000 light. Using the tps nutrient kit.
  12. Jmoney0523

    What’s wrong with my sativa plant!!

    So this current grow and my last grow, I had a sativa each time and both times when I get into week five or six of flowering, the leaves on the whole plant starts to turn yellow. I’ve checked pH levels, nutrients, lighting, temperature, and humidity I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Meanwhile...
  13. Jmoney0523

    Wtf is this a seed pod in my bud?

    Idk man they are pretty distinct. Never seen anything like it before. When I pull them off they are kinda hard but it’s hard and have a soft shell inside, but no definite hard seeds
  14. Jmoney0523

    Wtf is this a seed pod in my bud?

    I’m only on my 4th grow, idk what to look for. I heard look for a banana, but it’s kind of hard to find when your buds look the way mine do.
  15. Jmoney0523

    Wtf is this a seed pod in my bud?

    Well now I found some on my indica plant as well, so both of them hermied on me. I just don’t understand how because I removed the male way before flowering. Like early veg.
  16. Jmoney0523

    Wtf is this a seed pod in my bud?

    Idk it’s hard to tell, I’m finding more and more, but they crushed fairly easily one of them had a white milky substance inside
  17. Jmoney0523

    Wtf is this a seed pod in my bud?

    I can’t find any male parts is the problem
  18. Jmoney0523

    Wtf is this a seed pod in my bud?

    looks like seeds…….what do I do? It’s the big sativa plant on the right…..should I pull it?
  19. Jmoney0523

    Wtf is this a seed pod in my bud?

    I am seeing more and more of these, worried it went hermie on me. Help!