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  1. monster383

    Right on man! Glad you like the pics. I did it for eight years strait, then quit for about 5...

    Right on man! Glad you like the pics. I did it for eight years strait, then quit for about 5 years. Due to bad economy I am back in it again. I will be watching your thread. Things are lookin really good for you, nice work. if I can help in any way just let me know...
  2. monster383

    Super Bubba Kush & Purple Kush (newbie open to advice)

    WOW!! Sneakers. Looks freakin great. You have obviously learned a lot, really nice looking. Those roots are going to want to spread all over that table. You really should have something covering the table then cut holes in it and drop your pots in. You could pull some black and white poly over...
  3. monster383

    Keeping PH steady?

    Go to your local grow store and ask for ph up and ph down.
  4. monster383

    A harvest every 2 weeks in 1 small ebb & flow system, WILL IT WORK?

    There might be a problem with ppm and rinsing at the end if all the plants are on same table getting same nutes at all stages of growth.
  5. monster383

    will i have any lighting problems?

    My guess by looking at your pics is that they may be getting a little to much food and they may be getting over watered. Also make sure water temp is around 68 degrees give or take, and also make sure your water is getting pumped full of air by either putting airstone in res or by using h2o2...
  6. monster383

    Transplant wilting

    Orzz is probably right. Just keep a close eye on it. I usually have light as far away from plants as I can get it after a transplant. For me that is about 3 foot 6 inch from 1000 hps. Then I slowly drop light down in 6 to 12 inch increments after plants start to perk up which is usually 2 to...
  7. monster383

    My plants went to healthy to dying in 1 week! Help!

    Thanks man. Plants are 8 inches apart from stock to stock. If Im putting 50 plants on a 4X8 table i would say you can get 25 on a 4x4 table. Those plants you see in first pic were no taller than 6 inches when they were clicked into bud. The other pic is same room 6 weeks later. So I would...
  8. monster383

    My plants went to healthy to dying in 1 week! Help!

    Hi sneekers. i use just rockwool cubes also but table is covered so roots are not exposed to light. i have water flowing 24/7. For the plants i am currently growing I found a ph 6.4 was best for optimal nute uptake.
  9. monster383

    Help with ebb and flow flow tray size

    probably 8 to 10 plants planted 4 inches in from side of planter 8 inches apart. My plants are 8 inches apart i fit 50 plants on a 4 X 8 table
  10. monster383

    Possible fungus infection?

    whats your water temp?
  11. monster383


    The bigger temperature difference you have from when lights are on to when they are off can cause some streching. If you can manage to keep temp at no more than a 10 degree change that should reduce streching in your plants. If temps are Ok it could be you have your lights to high and plant...
  12. monster383

    h2o + PH discussion

    Some things will affect ph and some dont. Water temp and nutrients will change ph and some additives could also change ph Rule of thumb is to mix in nutes and additives then ph your water unless otherwise specified in product instructions. If your ph goes to where you like it after mixing...
  13. monster383

    ph water during flush?

    Hi Silky. You are right I should know but really Im not sure. I have gotten 2 different answers here lol. It makes sense to me to ph as to get plant to use up all nutes. But I could be wrong. Or maybe not to ph so plant doesnt take up nutes. i guess Im concerned about the nutes left in plant...
  14. monster383

    ph water during flush?

    Awesome guys. Thank you very much for quick reply. The room has been a battle with mites since the get go. I now go in every day and vacuum the plants unfortunately. They still seem to keep growing though which is good despite some of the damage the vacuum inflicts. Also i am seeing some...
  15. monster383

    ph water during flush?

    Hi guys. I`m new to forum. Grew for about 8 years straight then took a 5 year break and am now back into it again due to crap economy. Question is do the experts ph their water during the rinse cycle? here is link to some pics of current show. Page will...