Awesome!!! So just transplant it, get some real good lights, and start it on 12/12 then hope for the best! Right? I just cant thank you enough for your info!!! It has made me feel a lot better about this. I hope it comes out good. Is there any thing else you might can think of that I could do to...
I just hope it dont die!!! It smells so good! I think after I transplant it and give it better light it should start standing up more and looking better shouldnt it? After transplanting it should I put it under light for 24 hours untill its better or go straight to 12/12. thanks so much for your...
Thanks for that link!!! It is mossdeff a female!!! YAY!!! ;) Quick question though. Do you think after I transplant it and get some good light over it it will start to stand up some and look a little better? Also with it being this big how much light should I give it after transplanting? 24...
PLEASE HELP ME!!! My mom gave me this plant that she was letting grow next to her upstairs bedroom window. I know it needs to be in a bigger pot but also why is it so like wilted and droopy looking? Also the leaves are real big and long there real funny looking. Should I trim it down maybe? I...