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  1. Cannasapian

    Dfxdig, take a piece of black garbage bag and take a similar pot that your plant is in and...

    Dfxdig, take a piece of black garbage bag and take a similar pot that your plant is in and measure it and cut a square that covers the pot completely. cut a X in the center of the square big enough for your plant to fit in the center also making the soil not visible from the sun. take a crayola...
  2. Cannasapian

    check my pics out. my harvest was 1 Indica 2 Sativas, the Indica grew 5'4" 3os check it out.

    check my pics out. my harvest was 1 Indica 2 Sativas, the Indica grew 5'4" 3os check it out.
  3. Cannasapian

    i just uploaded some pics check them out

    i just uploaded some pics check them out
  4. Cannasapian

    Topping your plants

    A cannabis plant forms branches that shoot out of the node were fan leaves are produced. nodes with fan leaves will produce the best branches threw photosynthesis. When you cut off the top growth of a cannabis plant it's past hormons that were flowing to the top of the plant and re administered...