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  1. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Well, I got a fairly good yield from Godzilla Glue #4, especially considering she was harvested early. I wonder how she would have done with another week or two to finish bulking. One day I'll have a greenhouse. 540g after bucking the buds off the stems, although I forgot about a few buds on a...
  2. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Well, I had to harvest both of my plants early due to mould. I was just in time for Godzilla, but the Gorilla turned out to be a dead chimp with mange. First up Godzilla Glue #4: smells and tastes like lemons with a hint of gasoline. The high has a deceptively gentle onset. You don't realize...
  3. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    It's 3ml canola oil and 4ish drops of Dr Bronner's unscented in 1 litre of water. Put that in a blender until it's all well mixed, and shake it a bit while spraying. I've never sprayed indoor plants, so I can't say if it's good for indoors, but it killed the PM when I was able to spray it. It...
  4. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Ok. This grow has become something of a slow motion trainwreck. To recap, I've had a male plant from a feminized seed, Cherry Bomb got mosaic virus, Gorilla Glue has powdery mildew, and Godzilla Glue has been hammered by rain badly enough to split her main stem, but not to kill her. She's lost 4...
  5. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Due to almost non-stop rain I'm getting hammered by powdery mildew. The canola oil spray kills it, but the rain is preventing me from applying it with any kind of consistency. My other plants this season have been a bit of a disaster, but Gorilla Glue is still going fairly well aside from the...
  6. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Yeah, there are a few spots. I'm just starting a canola oil spray I read about on another site. I'll let you know how it goes.
  7. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    My neighbour finally removed the trees shading my yard in the morning. I didn't realize how claustrophobic it had gotten back there. I'll be getting 3 more hours of direct light back there, so I'm really looking forward to watching these girls finish flowering.
  8. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    My neighbour removed a couple of trees that were shading my yard in the morning, so I'm looking forward to see how she does with 3 more hours of direct light a day. Damn, still can't insert full images.
  9. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Okay. Had some issues there for a while. Cherry Bomb contracted mosaic virus. Not sure which one, but pics seem to match Alfalfa MV, so she had to be culled, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze was definitely male. That leaves me with Godzilla Glue #4 (which is now taller than I am, if you include...
  10. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Been a strange month.
  11. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Thanks, but that's what I've been doing. Then I tried using the inset image function, and it almost worked, but after the image appears it disappears and there's an "oops" message.
  12. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    So, here we are. Cherry Bomb has a few funky leaves, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze might be a male, but overall I'm pretty happy. Godzilla Glue #4 is really happy so far.
  13. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I have squirrel problems too. What I've started to do is put a layer of decorative rocks on the surface of the soil, and spray the sides of the fabric pot with neem oil (they hate the scent of it). The rocks are $5 at Home Despot up here in Ontario, and one bag covered the surface of two 7...
  14. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Things got away from me there... The girls are doing well. I had to move things around a lot. I'm not sure why Cherry Bomb looks so light in these pics, she's the same colour as the others to the naked eye.
  15. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    Here's an update...about a month later...:shock:
  16. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Lots of rain recently. They don't mind too much, but the top shoots of Gorilla Glue #4 were almost broken off the other day. The stem grew after the training hooks were set, and they ended up lower than the points where the branches connect to the stem. I removed the hooks, but I may have to...
  17. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    They're all in their final pots, and I'm continuing to stretch them out to the sides.
  18. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

    I've got her stretched out a bit. I really do need to rise those rocks off.
  19. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    Thanks! So do you see it kind of like how landraces/heirloom strains are disappearing? Or how most strains are an indica/sativa hybrid, even if it's a low percentage?
  20. Mycroft Holmes

    Gorilla Glue #4, Godzilla Glue #4, Cherry Bomb, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze

    30⁰C out there today! What a start to the outdoor season.