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  1. C

    First ever grow. Looking for advice to improve next time

    First time grower. Used cookies green crack from seed connect. Fox farm soil and nutes. Cheap $50 amazon light fabric pot and vivyosun 2x2x4. Looking for feedback on what I can improve next time. This is day 81 since sprouted day 16 of flower.
  2. C

    Potential problem with first grow

    Thanks. I'll keep an eye on it just in case
  3. C

    Potential problem with first grow

    Tricombs this early? I didn't know fan leaves got tricombs
  4. C

    Potential problem with first grow

    Here are close up pics
  5. C

    Potential problem with first grow

    The miracle grow was sifted to be used as seed starting mix. I wanted a fluffy easy to root in soil. I soaked it because I've been told miracle gro is too hot. The runoff seems to have a lot of dissolved solids so I don't think it's hungry. Now that it's in happy frog I'm feeding a grow...
  6. C

    Potential problem with first grow

    these 3 leaves are looking a bit lighter or dusty. The plant was transplanted to a 2 gallon bag yesterday and hasn't grown noticeably in 24 hours. Some leaves are curling up at the edges. The top left one has slight yellow or brown. I suspected too much light but it's already 13,000 lux or about...
  7. C

    First time grower seedling yellowing

    I found the issue. It was over watering. The leaves curled down in the next few days. Just so anyone finding this forum in the future know
  8. C

    First time grower seedling yellowing

    That's smart. I like that idea
  9. C

    First time grower seedling yellowing

    I added a fan, thanks
  10. C

    First time grower seedling yellowing

    I have an air purifier that circulates in the closet but no direct airflow on the plant. Should I add a fan?
  11. C

    First time grower seedling yellowing

    Is 250 okay if the plant is stretching? I thought that meant the light was not bright enough
  12. C

    First time grower seedling yellowing

    You think its not a weed plant?
  13. C

    First time grower seedling yellowing

    I am growing a photoperiod. The seed sprouted 5 days ago. My soil is miracle grow that I sifted fine (I know it's not ideal but it's what I had). Humidity has stayed at 60% because I was told by the grower to keep humidity lower because this strain is susceptible to mold. Temperature is 80. The...